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Hanover Town Reports

Hanover Annual Report, 1960

  • Library Trustee report: "In the fall of 1960 Mrs. Richard Abbott resigned as librarian to accept a full-time job. In October Faith Stanley, a senior at Hanover High School, replaced her. In October Miss Stanley and two of the trustees attended a meeting in Piermont sponsored by the State Library on books for "teen-aged" people. The tree in front of the library has finally been removed —a relief to many who worried about its condition. Dr. Harry C. Storrs bought, refinished and donated to the library three tables which improve the appearance and comfort. In recognition of this year observing the bi-centennial of the chartering of Hanover it is hoped to hold meetings at the library to discuss some aspects of local history. The first of these was led by Mrs. Artemas Packard on some of the older houses of Hanover Center and Etna. It is planned to paint the walls a bright new color in the spring." - Adna L. Camp, Jean H. Storrs, Phoebe S. Stebbins, Trustees


  • School library, Superintendent's report: "The library, as expected, is becoming more and more the heart of the school. It is getting ever increased use from the students and the teachers. We are getting some very valuable volumes and these have been utilized by our students for needed research. As yet, however, the library falls far short of standards for a school of our size. I hope that we can accelerate the improvement of the library and in particular as to the number of volumes until it does come closer to meeting these standards. One function of the library that is very important is in connection with educational periodicals that are circulated to the teachers. This is doing much to alert the teachers to interesting curriculum development and improvement."


  • Loans - magazines: 215, total books: 1,377


Hanover Annual Report, 1961

  • Library Trustee report: "Once again we have changed librarians. And, once again, we have gone to the High School to find a student for the position. Faith Stanley resigned in September because she was going away to school. Marilyn Thompson, a junior at Hanover High School, has taken her place. The library is open three hours weekly, Saturday afternoon. The Bookmobile with excellent and wide choice of books, has been our main source of new reading material. Again, we are grateful to members of the community for gifts. We are hoping to have a session this spring to weed out more books which are not being used. Adna Camp has felt he must give up the position of janitor because of ill health. Mr. Camp has served the library faithfully as trustee since 1925 and janitor for the past 12 years. His helpfulness and interest will be very much missed." - Adna L. Camp, Jean H. Storrs, Phoebe S. Stebbins, Trustees


  • Summary of Expenditures with Budget Comparisons: Etna Library Budget: $790; Howe Library Budget: $6,000.


  • Loans - magazines: 134, total books: 1,189


Hanover Annual Report, 1962

  • "Mrs. Phoebe Stebbins read the following resolution [at Town Meeting]: Adna L. Camp has been a trustee of the Hanover Town Library from 1925 until this year when he has resigned because of poor health. His guidance and interest in the Library over this long period of years have been most valuable. And not only has he served as trustee but he has tended the building's physical needs as its janitor for the past twelve years. Mr. Camp's kindly assistance will surely be missed. At this time we would offer the thanks of the town for his services and ask that this be included in the record."


  • Library Trustee report: "There has been little change at the Hanover Town Library this year. Faith Stanley replaced Marilyn Thompson as librarian in July and August. During the summer months the library was opened for two hours on Wednesday evenings as well as two hours Saturday afternoons. There was enough interest that the practice has continued. We are most grateful to Myron Trumbull for work done in the fall replacing slate on the roof. Wondering whether there might be some way of making the library and the building more effective, a letter was sent in October to residents of Etna and Hanover Center. They were asked whether they are satisfied with the library as it is, whether the annual appropriation from the town might better be spent to strengthen the school and Howe libraries, whether the expense of improving the library with trained librarian and good reference books could be justified, and whether there were other ways in which the building could be used. To the 140 letters twenty-nine answers were received. Nine of these indicated a strong desire for the library to continue as it is or that money be spent for improvement. "With Baker Library there is not much use of Howe . . . money should be spent out here so we don't lose everything." "The only town library, keep it up to date." "Even though we use Howe library facilities, we would miss having a library in our own community to use." "Etna and Hanover Center children cannot get to Howe." "Older people probably would not go elsewhere." Nineteen of the replies expressed the feeling that the present books and future appropriations would best be used to supplement the school libraries and Howe Library with the building used for other community purposes, such as 4-H, scouts or Historical Society headquarters. Suggestions were made that a weekly or twice weekly bus service to Howe might be arranged. Or that a group such as the senior Girl Scouts might bring books from Howe to the more elderly borrowers. Unwritten opinions expressed were in about the same ratio to the written answers. There is no water in the building which would perhaps limit its use for community groups, Trumbull Hall seems better suited. The Historical Society is discussing the use they might make of it if it were ever to be available. Another alternative which seems very attractive to the trustees is that it might become a branch of the Howe Library, sharing books and the help of an experienced librarian. We realize that it might be too much of an added burden at the present time." - Jean H. Storrs, Phoebe S. Stebbins, Elyse Tuxbury, Trustees


  • Etna Library Loans - magazines: 105, total books: 701


Hanover Annual Report, 1963

  • Finance Committee Report: "Howe Library—This item has been included in the Town budget since 1948. In 1963 it amounted to $6,500. This year the Library is asking for $10,000 to cover increased salary expense and additional personnel. It is understood that the Selectmen were prepared to include $7,500 for the Library in their 1964 budget. This amount was acceptable to the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee does not, however, recommend that the additional $2,500 be included at this time. Rather, because the amount requested from the Town is up better than 50% the Finance Committee feels that this may be the time to take stock; specifically, it recommends that the Library consider its financial needs for the years ahead, review the possible sources of revenue, and if it seems likely that it is going to be calling on the Town for a third or more of its budget, perhaps even consider what its relationship to the Town might be."


  • School Library, Superintendent's report: "The importance of having a good elementary school library cannot be overemphasized. I hope that it will not be too long before the elementary school will have a library room. Through the help of the Friends of the Hanover Schools and the regular budget, forward strides have been made during 1963-64. I again quote from Miss Ray's report. "Elementary School Library "Since my last report, the Friends of the Hanover Schools have contributed $1,000.00 in addition to the original $500.00 for the elementary school library. "From this money two metal book trucks have been purchased and are in use, stocked with the new books from the Friends of the Hanover Schools' funds and other books suitable for the library that we had on hand, as well as some gift books. "The enthusiasm with which these books has been received has necessitated the purchase of two additional book trucks to accommodate a second order of library books. Even so, there are not enough books for the children to use as freely as we would like. Gift books are greatly appreciated. "This year the all-purpose room has been used as a class- room for Mrs. Richmond's section of sixth grade. This room is also the library headquarters. Mrs. Richmond and her class have processed all of the books. The whole class worked on this in the fall as part of a library unit. This included getting the books ready for circulation. A card catalog was also started by making out a card for each book. These go to a typist who is paid from the funds provided by the Friends of the Hanover Schools. "The book wagons have to be brought back to the library headquarters periodically, so that cards may be checked and new books added. Volunteers from Mrs. Richmond's class and four senior Girl Scouts have carried on this work during recess periods and after school under Mrs. Richmond's supervision. "The entire staff and student body have used and enjoyed these books. They deeply appreciate the impetus given for this project by the Friends of the Hanover Schools. This enthusiasm and full use confirms our previous judgment that there is an urgent need for a central library."


  • Library Trustee report: "Mrs. Arnold Abbas has been the librarian since September when her sister, Marilyn Thompson, resigned the position to go away to school. The use of the library has been increasing somewhat—both by old friends and new families. There has been enough interest in having it open for two hours on Wednesday evening to seem to justify continuing this." - Jean H. Storrs, Phoebe S. Stebbins, Elyse Tuxbury, Trustees


  • Summary of Expenditures with Budget Comparisons: Etna Library Budget: $715; Howe Library Budget: $6,500.


  • Etna Library New books added: 14


  • Loans - total books: 1,148


Hanover Annual Report, 1964

  • Finance Committee Report: "The Howe Library has asked for a further increase in support which if approved will bring the Town's share of a $29,086 library budget to $8,200. Included in the Library budget for the first time is a plan to provide Blue Cross, Blue Shield, major medical and pension benefits. While the Finance Committee approves the increase, it is concerned about possible overlapping of services as between the Howe Library and the Grade School and High School Libraries and understands that steps are being taken to avoid unnecessary duplication."


  • Library Trustee Report: "The operation of the library in Etna continues as it has in previous years. It seems to be used enough to justify keeping it open the extra two hours on Wednesday evenings. The magazines circulate well. Few books have been bought as the Bookmobile has brought new books periodically. But a need is felt for an up-to-date encyclopedia for school children. The building appears to be in good condition. Perhaps some new window shades would brighten the aspect." - Jean H. Storrs, Phoebe S. Stebbins, Julius S. Mason, Trustees


  • 1964 Budget: Etna Library $790; Howe Library $7,500


  • Etna Library New Books added: 4


  • Etna Library Loans - total books: 1,752


Hanover Annual Report, 1965

  • Library Trustee Report: "The library in Etna continues to be effective in serving young and old in and around the village. The sum of $127.30 was spent in acquiring a new set of World Book Encyclopedia to replace an outdated set. The use of this set by the school children in the area seems to justify the expense. The death of "Aunt" Pat Spencer, former librarian and teacher in the community, brought the sum of $82.00 to the library. This money was given by friends in lieu of flowers, and was designated as a fund for children's books. Part of this sum has already been used to buy some attractive and popular books. The sum of $1000.00 was a bequest to the Etna Library, to be used as an endowment fund. The interest from this sum is to be used for general purposes. From this same estate, the gifts of a sampler, worsted flowers, a small print picture and a flax wheel are now enhancing the interior. At the meeting of the trustees in May, we reviewed our budget and discussed the general welfare of the library with our librarian, Mrs. Monas Abbas. The library is kept open four hours a week; from 3 to 5 on Wednesday afternoons and from 2 to 4 on Saturday afternoons. A number of current fiction books were given to the library by friends around the community. With their bright new jackets, the new encyclopedia and the new children's books, the atmosphere is definitely livelier inside the library. Mrs. Abbas has a lively interest in the library, makes good selections from the Bookmobile and performs many little "extras" around the library as she sees fit. In the December meeting, the trustees agreed that we should affiliate with the New Hampshire State Library Development Program." - Jean H. Storrs, Elise M. Wendlandt, Trustees


  • Note in report that Trustee Julius S. Mason had passed away.


  • School library, Superintendent report: "The only new position in this system during the current academic year has been that of teacher-librarian. Mrs. Frances C. Richmond, who has been a sixth grade teacher in our system for several years and who has had substantial preparation in the field of library science, was appointed to the Elementary School librarianship. She has done some excellent work in this program, particularly in organizing the library, cataloguing the books, and programing an instructional program for grades K-6 in library usage and training; she has also set up an ad- ministrative organization for processing and ordering books as well as using lay people in the community who have been of tremendous assistance to us as library aides."


  • Superintendent report (continued): "The Library — The most significant single improvement in the elementary program during the year has been the provision for a library room (one of the few elementary school libraries in New Hampshire) and the staffing of the library by a full time teacher-librarian. In January of 1965 the Hanover Elementary School Library consisted of about 700 books placed on book trucks, labeled "Grades 4-6" and "Kindergarten-Grade 3." These traveled from one room to another. Books were returned to Room 7, the library headquarters, where the teacher and sixth grade helpers took care of the books and the records. Four high school Girl Scouts each spent several hours a week keeping the books in order and assisting in cataloguing. The doors of our new library opened on September 9 with an inventory of 960 books. These were housed in four large bookcases and a reference book shelf on loan from Dartmouth College."


  • Superintendent report (continued): "Many community groups have contributed time and financial resources to aid the development of the Library, including the Friends of the Hanover Schools, the P.T.A., the Hanover Conservation Council, the Girl Scouts, and several parents who have volunteered their services. This assistance, together with the amount of money for library books in the school budget, has made it possible for us to have, at this writing, a collection of nearly 1,500 volumes. From the very beginning, volunteers have given countless hours. The fact that the library could be opened the first week of school and new books made available so quickly was due to the devoted effort of three volunteers. Since October, a volunteer staff of twelve mothers has been set up to help during school hours each day. Their aid is indispensible to free the librarian for teaching, story-telling, book selection, committee work, and coordinating with classroom teachers. They also assist with the time-consuming but necessary mechanics of running the library. In addition to this staff of mothers, we also have a staff of nine senior Girl Scouts who spend two hours a week after school, helping with library routines, typing, and arranging exhibits. In order to allow maximum use of the library by all the children, a schedule has been set up so that each reading group in grades 4-6 is assigned a half-hour library period a week. This time is used in various ways. By prearrangement, there may be book talks or stories by the librarian. Otherwise, the children come to the library as an entire class, in small groups, or even singly to exchange books, to browse through books and magazines, or to use some of the library reference materials. There is a similar schedule for grades 2-3 during the afternoons. Ill With grades 2-3 there is not only story-telling, but some teaching of library skills. For instance, during the latter part of the year the use of the card catalogue will be started with Grade 3. The first grades come once a week for a story hour and to choose books to take back to their rooms. When the teachers feel the children are ready, these first graders will also spend a part of their assigned time choosing books for individual reading. The kindergarten groups come to the library every other week for a story hour. We are teaching reference and library skills to the upper grades (4-6) through their language classes. One sixth grade group and one fourth grade group have each been through this unit. The sixth grade instruction included the use of the Howe Library as well as our own school library. The library is open every day from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. No attempt is made to count the numbers of children who use the library during their free time. Many children make the library a stopping place in the morning before school begins and some visit regularly after classes are over in the afternoon. A few statistics from the month of October might be of value to show how the library is used. During these four weeks the teacher-librarian taught library skills or told stories or gave book talks to 1810 students during 40 hours assigned as class time. The total circulation was 2117 volumes (of which 772 were non-fiction) . Our aims for the students are first of all that they may find warmth and friendliness in the library; next, that they may thrill to the discovery of good books; and finally, that they will think of the library first when they need answers to unsolved questions or when research on any topic is indicated. With increased independent reading, skill and enjoyment of reading should increase. By learning to use the library as another reference tool, the students should increase their ability to choose and to evaluate sources of information. Student pride in their library and pleasure in using it has had its beginning in the elementary school this year. Hopefully, this pride and pleasure will continue as lifelong habits. We now have an increased awareness of the value of a library- centered school. I feel this has been a significant advance in the upgrading of our elementary program and I wish to commend the School Board and the community for their farsightedness in making this program a reality."​


  • Etna Library Loans - total books: 1,779

Hanover Annual Report, 1966

  • Library Trustee Report: "The Hanover Town Library continues to serve the Etna community and according to the librarian, had a record number of visitors during the summer of 1966. It seemed that many of these visitors were summer people in the area. At a meeting of the Trustees in December of 1965, we voted to become members of the New Hampshire State Library Development Program and as a member of this group we were informed, late in December of 1966, that we were eligible to receive a basic grant of $100.00 toward the purchase of "Basic Reference Books" for our Library. These books had to be ordered before January 1, 1967, so during a very busy season, the trustees and librarian selected books which would make a significant contribution to our library in various areas." - Jean H. Storrs, Elise M. Wendlandt, Alice B. Hayes, Trustees


  • School library, Superintendent report: "It is hard to measure the use of a school library in terms of circulation figures alone, since the program includes so much more than the process of borrowing books. The total circulation for the school year 1965-1966 was 17,456 books and more than two thirds of the books borrowed were non-fiction. A large percentage of the reading is in the field of "curriculum related" materials. With the new school year we are seeing a steady increase in circulation and a much wiser choice of books on the part of the children—second and third grade children especially. This year our staff is made up of one professional librarian and a clerical assistant who works six hours a week. So again, it is the volunteer staff that makes the library pro- gram possible. Thirteen volunteer mothers are giving many hours to the elementary school library. Without their help our program would break down and we could only circulate books. Four high school Girl Scouts have been able to continue their program of library assistance. Approximately twelve sixth graders help in the library before school, during the noon recess, and after school one night a week. We are grateful for the continued support of these people."


  • Superintendent report (continued): "Hanover has once again been the pacesetter in New Hampshire. In 1965, we were the first elementary school in the State with a full-time teacher librarian. There are now four full time and several part-time elementary school librarians. It is my feeling that the elementary school library is the very nerve center of the elementary school. I am very pleased with the development thus far of our library program and hope that it will continue to evolve as the hub of our elementary school instructional program."


  • Etna Library Loans - total books: 1,648


Hanover Annual Report, 1967

  • From Report Overview: "The Hanover Town Library added many new volumes to the collection and particularly improved the Children's Section. New books with bright, colorful jackets have replaced many old and battered volumes. The Bookmobile provides any type of literature requested by the library patron. Future plans include further reference book acquisitions and the purchase of additional comfortable furniture."


  • Expenditures: "Proposed expenditures for the Etna Library increase $650. This includes a $130 increase in personal services, a $270 increase in operating expenses and an additional $250 for capital outlay to permit the upgrading of furnishings. In 1968 the Howe Library has requested a contribution of $8,400. In 1967 the contribution by the Town for the operation of Howe Library was $1,600. The Town has been contributing the difference between Howe Library's expected revenue from all other revenue sources and total projected expenditures. Total projected Town expenditures for library service will increase from $2,600 to $10,050, an increase of $7,450."


Hanover Annual Report, 1968

  • Library Trustee report: "The addition of drapes adds greatly to the appearance and comfort of the library. Future plans include additional furniture to complete the reading room facilities. Yearly State aid increases the number of reference volumes. In compliance with the Statewide Library Development Pro- gram, the library will be open two additional hours each week. The Bookmobile keeps our readers supplied with not only the current fiction and non-fiction volumes, but also special information on individual interests."


Hanover Annual Report, 1969

  • Library Trustee report: "The library now is open on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday for two hours each day. With added assistance from the bookmobile and new magazine subscriptions, interesting resources are available for all age groups. New furniture has added to the comfort and attractiveness of the reading room."


  • "The Howe Library request increases from $6,500 to $13,000 as a result of higher service costs and the necessity to remodel certain non-library areas of the building."


Hanover Annual Report, 1970

  • Library Trustee report: The Hanover Town Library Trustees have been very fortunate in acquiring the services of Mrs. Mary Hamblett as new Librarian. Mrs. Abbas who faithfully served for several years accepted a new position. In 1970 some of the oldest editions of children's books have been replaced and some new books added to the children's corner. Also a magazine display rack has been purchased for easier access and more attractive display of the magazines. A story hour for preschoolers in the area is being planned for 1971.


  • Expenditures: Etna Library: $2,261; Howe Library $13,000


Hanover Annual Report, 1971

  • Library Trustee report: During 1971, the library added many new volumes to its collection. In addition, the State bookmobile continues to keep readers, children and adults alike, supplied with current fiction and non-fiction volumes. The very successful summer reading program ended with a film and refreshment party. The library is proud of the new portrait of "Aunt" Pat Spencer, teacher and former librarian for Hanover Town Library of many years.


  • The Etna Library budget increases slightly. The budget for the Howe Library increases substantially in 1972. In this coming year the Board of Selectmen and the Trustees of the Howe Library will meet to discuss operation and long range planning needs of the library.


Hanover Annual Report, 1972

  • Finance Committee report: The Committee has closely followed the deliberations for the future of the Howe Library. We are unanimous in recommending increased financial support for this excellent institution. At the same time, we urge the Trustees and the Selectmen to create a long range plan for the eventual transfer of the Howe from private to public status.


  • Howe Library Board of Trustee report: In 1900, the Howe Library was given to the people of Hanover as a "free" library by Emily Howe Hitchcock. She also provided the library with an endowment with which to pay for books and services. As one of Hanover's two public libraries, it has served all the citizens of the town, young and old. For the first 48 years, through wise investment, additional gifts, and with rentals from the apartments above the library, the Trustees of the library had been able to provide the public with library services without any financial assistance from the Town. Since 1948, the Library has asked for small amounts from the people, to help balance its budget. For almost fifty years, however, the people of Hanover were fortunate to have free library service. Why are the Trustees, then, asking for substantially more assistance? The population growth of Hanover has been reflected in increasing demands for books and services. Both population and book circulation have tripled since 1920 (the year of the last expansion of the library). The income from the Trust funds and other sources has not been able to keep up with the resultant increase in operational expenses, if the library is to continue to meet the growing annual demands for book services, it must have substantially greater financial support from the town, if it is to deal with the problem of serious overcrowding, it must be able to plan ahead. Therefore, the Board of Trustees has requested that an article be placed on the warrant to see if the town will assume the responsibility for the Howe Library operating budget. It is the intention of the Board that the income saved will be set aside to accrue to a fund for the future expansion of the library.


  • Etna Library Trustee report: The library in Etna continues to effectively serve children and adults of the community as well as a number of summer residents. The library is now open 8 hours a week to satisfy State Library Association requirements. The popular summer reading program ended with a refreshment and film party for the children. The library has a large variety of magazines available for loan. The bookmobile, rotating books every three months, provides an excellent selection of good reading material.


  • The budget for the Town library increased slightly in 1973 to comply with the State requirements for longer service hours. The appropriation, for the Howe Library will permit a full service schedule to be reinstituted with the library again being open on Thursday mornings and Saturday afternoons. The library service hours were reduced in 1972. In recent months, the Howe Library Board has discussed expansion or replacement of the existing building. One possibility is the assumption of the total operating budget of the Howe Library by the Town thereby permitting the initiation of a building program with Howe Library endowment funds.


Hanover Annual Report, 1973

  • Report Summary, item #16: Investigate the feasibility of a single public library system combining Howe Library, the Town Library and all school library facilities.


  • Howe Library Trustee report: Providing service 62 hours a week to 5,002 registered borrowers, the Howe Library is a busy center of recreational and informational activity for children, young people and adults. The library staff circulated a total of 95,145 books and other library materials in 1973, in addition to providing reference service, reading guidance, topical exhibits and a warm welcome for those who came to "just sit" and read or study. For those people whose needs could not be met by the library's own resources, 512 items were borrowed from other libraries. During the year, 1962 books and 77 recordings were added to the library's shelves. Many of these were gifts or memorials, for which the library is most grateful. The book collection at the end of the year numbered 29,150 and the record collection 925. The library regularly receives 10 newspapers and 115 widely assorted magazines. In addition to the more conventional library materials, Howe Library is now able, through federal funding, to offer a small collection of audio-visual materials and to provide the equipment necessary to use them. Slide projectors, slide viewers, filmstrip viewers and cassette players may be borrowed for home use. Crowded conditions and lack of a multi-purpose room continue to limit the library's ability to provide special programs for the community. However, story hours, films and other special programs were offered for the youngest children and were, as always, very well attended. Staff members look forward to the day when, with enlarged facilities, they will be able to offer similar programs for senior citizens, special interest groups and the general public. The library continues to search for a solution to its need for larger quarters. In the Spring of 1973 the president of the Library Board of Trustees appointed a special site search committee, made up of members of the Howe Library Corporation and trustees. During the summer this committee held informal meetings to discuss alternatives. No final decision has been made, but the committee hopes soon to arrive at the solution which will best serve the needs of the community.


  • Etna Library Trustee report: There was a very successful reading program during the summer, highlighted by a party at the close of the program. Awards were given to children who read the most books. The librarian has also acquired films on loan from the State Library and has had showings on school vacation days at Trumbull Hall for the young children in the mornings and for the teen-agers during the afternoon. The library has recently received a large shipment of new children's books.


  • Funding is provided for the operations of both the Town library in Etna and the Howe Library. Salaries for the Howe Library personnel were increased more than the average adjustment because a survey indicated that the library salaries were not keeping pace with similar positions in the area. In the years immediately ahead it probably will be necessary to grant additional increases until comparable levels are reached. The increases in operating expenses result primarily from inflationary pressures.


  • Article Twelve: On motion of Donald Hawthorne, duly seconded, the Town voted unanimously, after a short discussion, to appropriate an additional sum of $34,390 for the operation of Howe Library. This sum added to the $21,805 already budgeted by the Town for Howe Library, will cover its total operating budget.


  • Etna Library budget: $2,889; Howe Library budget: $56,195


Hanover Annual Report, 1974

  • Report of the Selectmen: The breaking-of-ground ceremonies this year for the Housing Project for the Elderly and the new Howe Library symbolized the Town's concern for the special needs of its citizens and a desire to assume a significant portion of the costs for these continuing programs.


  • Howe Library Trustee report: That Hanover is a library-minded community was confirmed again in 1974 by the increased usage of the Howe Library and by the overwhelming mandate at a Special Town Meeting to appropriate funds for construction of the new library buildings. A total of 5,464 adults and young people used the library this year including 288 families who paid an annual non-resident user fee. The library staff circulated a total of 99,121 books and other materials and continued to provide the community with reference service, individual reading guidance, special reading lists, exhibits, programs and story hours. More books were borrowed on interlibrary loans this year as a result of new policies adopted by the Dartmouth Libraries. During the year 2,138 books were added to the library's collection bringing the total book stock to 30,574 volumes. In the way of audiovisual materials, the library now has 1,023 recordings, 89 casette tapes, 33 filmstrips, 13 slide sets and 19 pieces of equipment. These are listed in the catalogs at the Hanover Schools and are available to anyone in the community. A new service initiated this year is the group of Pick-A-Paperback racks placed in nine different locations in the community. Each is made up of paperbacks given to the library which may be read on the premises or taken home for an indefinite period. The collections are available, free of charge, for any spot where people congregate. On November 8 a gala ground breaking ceremony was held for the new library building, now under construction at the intersection of Currier Place and East South Street. The estimated cost of the new library is $900,000, with the building to be financed through commitment of the Howe Library's assets, a community fund-raising campaign, and a long term loan in cooperation with the Town. Architectural plans for the building itself have occupied many board members, staff, and devoted volunteers during this year, and planning continues for interior furnishings and equipment. In late 1975 or early 1976 the Howe Library looks forward to occupying a spacious, carefully planned building designed to meet Hanover's library needs for many years to come.


  • Etna Library Trustee report: During the past year the Hanover Town Library has continued to add many new volumes to its collection. The most significant improvement was made in the children's section where selections have replaced many old and battered volumes. More children continue to take advantage of the summer reading program. A major improvement has been made in the parking facility in front of the library. This provides a much safer parking place, thanks to the Hanover Town Road Crew. A display rack for our paperback books has been provided, making this section much more attractive. A program of showing films from the State Library has had a healthy response.


  • Funding is included for both the Town Library in Etna and the Howe Library. Increased costs associated with the completion of the Howe Library generally are not reflected in the 1975 budget because it is not expected that the new building will be occupied until early in 1976. The only exception is the equipment budgeted under capital outlay which will be used in the new library. Salaries for Howe Library personnel are increased significantly again in 1975 so that the compensation levels are comparable with other town employees and particularly other library personnel. Inflation has significantly increased the budgeted amount for books and magazines. Additional funding for this purpose may be required when the new building becomes operational.


  • Article I: Mr. Edward S. Brown moved and it was duly seconded that the Town appropriate the sum of $490,000 and that the Selectmen are authorized to borrow such sum by the issuance of bonds and/or notes as provided under the Municipal Finance Act. Further, that the Selectmen are authorized to deliver said sum to the Trustees of Howe Library to be used together with funds of Howe Library in the construction of the new Howe Library building on Town owned land at the intersection of East South Street and Currier Place subject to the following conditions:


  1. That the Trustees' plans for the new library building be approved by the Selectmen.

  2. That the Trustees of Howe Library will pay to the Town each year a sum equal to an amount to be agreed upon by the Trustees of Howe Library and the Board of Selectmen for debt service.

  3.  That the Trustees shall obtain insurance coverage on the building and as to liability satisfactory to the Board of Selectmen.

  4. That in the event of the dissolution of the Howe Library Corporation, the building and contents shall be transferred to the Town without payment.


  • And further that the Selectmen are hereby authorized to do all things and to execute and deliver all documents and instruments, necessary to carry out the purpose of this Vote, and further that upon completion of the discussion under Article I that the polls be opened for voting under that Article until 9:30 P.M. or until 15 minutes after the adjournment of this meeting and in no event for a period of less than one hour after the completion of the discussion. In the discussion of Article I, Mr. Brown stated that the Town had assumed total responsibility for the operating expenses of the Howe Library since the 1973 Town Meeting, with the understanding that the financial resources of the Howe Library would be reserved for a building program. Mrs. Joan Fowler, chairman of the Howe Library Board of Trustees, reported that the Trustees had determined that it was not feasible to add to the present building, an alternate site had been chosen, and that the Library building committee, including representatives from the Board of Selectmen had been working closely with the architects Shepley Bulfinch Richardson and Abbott since April 1974. Mr. Philip Krueger, member of the Howe Library building committee and former member of the Hanover Finance Committee, explained that the estimated cost of the library ($900,000) would be met from four sources: 1. Library endowment assets in cash: $210,000. 2. Fund raising: $200,000 (of which 1/2 is already raised). 3. Sale of the present library building: $ 140,000 (to be met temporarily by a short term loan). 4. Long term note assured by the remainder of the library endowment: $350,000. Income from the endowment will not completely cover the cost of a bond issue or notes, the cost to the Town will be approximately $11-12,000 per year; the security assets of the library endowment will remain intact to be used later for the support of the library. Various individuals offered their support of the motion; the Hanover Finance committee has endorsed the building program, and the Board of Selectmen urged support of the motion. The polls were declared open, and business under the warrant continued.


  • Article II: Mr. Donald Hawthorne made the motion, duly seconded, that the Selectmen are hereby authorized to lease the land located at the intersection of East South Street and Currier Place to the Trustees of the Howe Library for the site of the new Howe Library building without payment and the term of the lease shall be for so long as the Howe Library uses the land for a library open to Hanover residents and such other terms and conditions as the Selectmen deem to be in the long-range best interests of the Town, and further that the Selectmen are hereby authorized to do all things and to execute and deliver all documents and instruments, necessary to carry out the purpose of this Vote. The motion carried unanimously by a voice vote.


  • Etna Library budget: $3,279; Howe Library budget: $65,721


Hanover Annual Report, 1975

  • Report of the Selectmen: "The year saw the completion of the new Howe Library and the construction of East South Street. The Board of Selectmen would particularly like to express its gratitude to the residents in the East South Street area for their patience and understanding in living through almost a year of turmoil while this street was being reconstructed. In addition, special and public commendations must be accorded to Mrs. Posey Fowler, who, as chairman of the Howe Library Corporation, spearheaded the fund raising drive, and Mrs. Patti Eckels, who, as Library Director, engineered and survived the transferral of the entire library collection. The end result of their combined energies is a handsome and functional structure that will remain a community asset for generations to come."


  • Howe Library Trustee report: "In early December the new Howe Library building, under construction for thirteen months, was completed. The library closed its doors for one week, during which all books and other library materials were moved and reorganized by the staff, with the help of many volunteers from the community. Planned to meet Hanover's public library needs for the foreseeable future, the new building provides study spaces for 44, comfortable seating for 33, and an ultimate shelving capacity of 50,000 books. In addition there are: record listening facilities; equipment for the in-library use of filmstrips, slides and cassette tapes; a microfilm reader, with a complete record of the Granite State Gazette since 1885 on film; greatly enlarged work areas for the staff; a multi-purpose room, with projection facilities, to be used for library activities and by local organizations for their meetings and programs; and a smaller meeting room, also for both library and community use. Initial response to the new facility has been enthusiastic and use has been heavy. A corps of volunteers is being trained to help the library staff meet the demand for added services and increased circulation. 1975 statistics show an increase in annual circulation to 102,731, an average of 397 for each day the library was open. 2,357 volumes were added during the year, and 948 discarded, bringing the total book collection to 3 1 ,983. Interlibrary loan traffic included 654 items borrowed from other libraries for Howe Library users, and 162 books loaned by Howe to other libraries."


  • Etna Library Trustee report: New volumes were added to the library in 1975, primarily in the children's section. New books have been both donated and purchased, some through the proceeds of a sale of discarded books held in the summer. Summer Story hour continued to be quite popular this year, as did the films acquired periodically from the State Library.


  • The Howe Library expenses increased $28,500 over last year. All departments increased because of higher costs in phone service, electricity, paper products, fuel, medical insurance and added projects.


  • Funding is included for both the Town Library in Etna and the Howe Library. Expenses at the Howe Library have increased because of the completion of the new facility on East South Street. Utilities, heat, insurance, and maintenance are some of the categories witnessing increases. Also, the book budget is up by more than 25%. Salaries at the Howe Library are increasing for two reasons. First, 1976 marks the completion of a three-year program of bringing Library employees' salaries up to levels comparable with other Town employees. Second, the Library is now open six days a week as compared to five days a week in 1975. This results in many additional hours of work. This department is being assessed an administrative charge for the first time this year.


Hanover Annual Report, 1976

  • Report of the Selectmen: "One of the most striking successes was the first full year of operation of the Howe Library in its new quarters. It has become a widely-used community center and the public's acceptance of this magnificent new facility has been tremendously gratifying to your Board of Selectmen, as well as to the Howe Library Trustees."


  • Howe Library Trustee report: "Use of the library's facilities and services has increased dramatically since the move to its new building. 28% more items were circulated in 1976 than in 1975, bringing the total annual circulation to 131,774. This represents an average of 20 items borrowed per year per person in Hanover, four times times New Hampshire state average for per capita circulation. Requests to borrow materials from other libraries have also shown a sharp rise, with 929 items obtained by Howe on interlibrary loan, an increase of 42% over 1975. In addition, with the availability of convenient study spaces and comfortable reading areas, in-library use of magazines, newspapers, books, audio-visual materials and reference services has increased significantly. The library's two meeting rooms have been heavily used, both for library programs and by community groups. Fifty-six different educational, cultural or civic groups used the rooms for their own activities on 189 occasions during the year. Library use of the rooms, in addition to the regular preschool story hours each week, included 87 programs-films, lectures, poetry readings, concerts, ait exhibits, etc.--all open to the public free of charge. In order to keep the public informed about up-coming programs and various other aspects of library service, tJie library has begun publication of a monthly newsletter, which is distributed at the main desk. To help meet increased demands for service in the most economical way, a group of volunteers has been trained to assist the library staff at the circulation desk and in such behind-the-scenes work as the processing of new books. Forty-seven individual volunteers have been involved in this program during the year; of these, 29 are currently active, giving 60 hours a week of valuable volunteer service to the community."


  • Etna Library Trustee report: "Business has proceeded pretty much as usual during the last year at the Etna Library. Most of the new books acquired have been for the children's section and these have generally been well circulated. The library continues to be primarily a children's library with a few loyal adult borrowers. We acquired a new sign this year with the library hours painted on it so that they can be seen from the road. Before this the hours were in small print on the door and it was difficult for people to find out when the library was open. In the spring we held a coffee for pre-schoolers and their mothers in order to show the new books and to introduce new people to the library. As a result several new families have started using the library. The summer story hour continues to be successful. Mrs. Cook has also shown several films from the State Library."


  • Etna Library budget notes: An effort will be made to upgrade the Etna Library building to allow an increase of potential uses for the facility. Funds have been included to install restroom facilities, water and a lie-in to the sewer line.


  • Howe Library budget notes: Continued demand for expanded services has resulted in increases in all categories of expense for this department. Personnel Services will increase as a result of increased part time assistance to perform clerical duties. In addition, funds have been included to open the library on Sunday afternoon on an experimental basis. Expected increases in heat and utility rates as well as a 1976 underestimate on insurance rates has contributed to the rise in operating expenditures. In addition, the books and magazines item has increased to a level considered to be more appropriate for this department.


  • Joan Plane Fowler, better known as "Posey", was elected President of the Howe Library and its Board of Trustees on January 29, 1974. During her short tenure, Hanover's library facilities have undergone more radical improvement than at any time since the original founding by Emily Howe Hitchcock. Starting with a historical and charming but outmoded building, the Library under Posey's leadership has become one of the finest community libraries anywhere. With the help of her cohorts on and off the Board of Trustees, she has led a campaign to plan the building, raise the funds, and carry through the construction with the superb results pictured on the cover of the Town Report. Posey has accomplished all of this in her special style combining grace and charm with indefatigable work and unswerving determination. Hanover is rich in cultural facilities belonging to the College, But the Howe Library is unique as an institution peculiarly belonging to the people of the Town. Hanover expresses its debt of gratitude to Posey Fowler for her successful efforts as President of the Howe Library in providing this community with library facilities second to none.


  • Etna Library budget: $3,765; Howe Library budget: $111,564


Hanover Annual Report, 1977

  • The comfortable and handsome main reading room of the Howe Library stands as a tribute to Maurice Aldrich's long-time devotion toward and dedicated service to the Library and as a mark of the community's indebtedness to him and ,its fond regard for him. Maurice Aldrich began his association with the Howe Library in 1923, when he "kept the books" for Jim Farnham, the treasurer at that time. From this it was but a natural progression to his election in 1945 as trustee and treasurer, positions he held until his tragic death on November 25, 1977. In his concurrent roles of investment officer, business manager, and bookkeeper he diligently presided over the Library's endowment fund and, indeed, over its finances in general. He was a vital member of the committee for the Library's new building, and in that capacity he expertly guided his committee colleagues, and the members of the Board, through a maze of financial considerations relating to erecting and equipping the structure. He did this with his accustomed gentleness and modesty of manner and with a consistent emphasis on wise practices, including the prudence of spending a little more for quality or space now, in order to avoid future and greater costs. In 1976, Maurice received the New Hampshire Library Association's "Trustee of the Year" award, an honor bestowed annually upon a trustee for outstanding service to his or her library. The Howe Library has lost a great friend, but his spirit will surely be felt within the Library for all the years to come, and the Library will continue to know the benefit of the achievement of his long and distinguished period of service.


  • Howe Library Trustee report: Howe Library continued to be a busy center of community activity during 1977. Sunday hours were added, as an experiment, during the months of October through April. The community's response to this innovation was enthusiastic and the library will continue to be open from 2-5 p.m. during these same months in 1978. Public library service is now provided by Howe Library 62 hours a week, increasing to 65 hours during the winter and "mud" months. There were 6,036 registered borrowers at the year's end, of whom 4,321 were adults, 1,053 were students from grades 7 to 12, and 537 were children. 131,463 books and other library materials were circulated during the year. Both the number of children registered and the circulation to children dropped slightly, probably reflecting the trend toward a lower birth rate and a smaller preschool and elementary school population. Adult registration and circulation both increased slightly over last year. Although circulating books and other materials continued to be the library's primary function, 1977 saw increased activity in reference service and an emphasis on upgrading the reference collection, in response to community requests. With augmented book funds in 1978, a sound beginning can be made toward providing more current information in may of the non-fiction subject areas. 2,775 volumes were added to the library's holdings in 1977, of which 631 were gifts. Development of cultural and educational programming provided an opportunity for Upper Valley residents to share their interests and knowledge with their neighbors. 51 adult programs were offered in 1977, among them two popular series of lectures, "You and the Law," and "Speaking of Books." Children's programs numbered 259, including story hours, puppet shows, films and school visits. Total attendance at all library programs was 5,900. The Mayer and Murray Rooms continued to be heavily used by educational, cultural and civic groups. 68 different groups used the rooms 296 times during 1977. The library sponsored the first annual Elden Murray Photography contest and exhibit in the spring, and held 10 other exhibits of the work of area artists and craftsmen during the year. Supporting all this activity was the work of dedicated volunteers of all ages, who gave 3,534 hours to assisting with circulation and reference work, book processing, and special programming. This is nearly the equivalent of 2 full-time positions being filled by community-spirited men and women, to whom we are most grateful.


  • Etna Library Trustee report: The main change at the library this year was the hiring of a new librarian. Mary Jane Cook, the former librarian, moved to New York in April and Ila Douple took over at that time. Ila, a former teacher, has kept the library well organized and has brought in many new ideas. An open house was held in the spring to introduce the library to new users and to introduce Ila as the new librarian. The open houses which we have held these last two springs have been very successful in bringing in new users and will certainly be continued in the future. While the final figures are not yet in, earlier figuring shows an increase in circulation over last year. The story hours were very well attended this summer, in spite of the fact that we were closed for several weeks this summer because of the sewer construction in front of the library. (The drilling was extremely loud and it was very difficult to find parking.) The story hours included not only stories but also songs and, on occasion, movies. The Dartmouth Bookstore donated a 1977 set of the Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia in memory of David Hewitt, who was at the time of his death a Trustee of the library. Having an up-to-date encyclopedia will be a great addition to the Library. We have decided to add a few educational toys and puzzles for circulation. In particular, we are looking for the sort of thing which will help a child develop certain skills but which a family would not necessarily want to keep around for a great length of time. So far, we have acquired a couple of puzzles and three toys. They are circulating, but since most did not come until the last two weeks in December, we have not had them long enough to know how well they will do. Construction of the toilet facilities in what is now the vault is scheduled to start any time.


  • At a special Town Meeting in September, 1974, the Town appropriated $490,000 to be obtained through the issuance of bonds or notes as partial financing for the construction of the new Howe Library Building. The approved article provided that the Trustees of Howe Library will pay to the Town annually an amount for debt service to be agreed upon by the Library's Trustees and Board of Selectmen. In 1975, the Town borrowed $399,000 under a 5\% demand note payable. As of December 31, 1977, no principle payments have been made. Interest payments have been rendered by the Howe Library Corporation. While arrangements have not been finalized, it is the intention of the Town to convert the demand note to a 10 to 20 year financing obligation after a principal payment of approximately $50,000 by the Howe Library Corporation. It is anticipated that the Library will contribute annually substantially all of its unrestricted endowment income to the Town for future debt service payments. This contribution will approximate $20,000 in 1978.


  • Howe Library budget notes: The Library budget has experienced the most dramatic budget increase of any Town department for 1978. The most obvious increase is the addition of the debt service to pay for the construction of the building. The Howe Library Corporation is providing increased revenues to the budget in an attempt to offset, to the greatest extent possible, the Library debt service impact to the general taxpayer. Due to demands for expanded service, the budget contains a three hour per week increase for the Reference Librarian bringing her availability up to about 22 hours per week. We have also re-examined our book replacement schedule in an attempt to expand our collection to the limit of our shelf space over the next four years while discarding less popular works at the rate of 4% per year. The result should have a direct affect of increasing circulation while establishing a collection more suited to the tastes of our residents.


  • Etna Library budget notes: Although it was budgeted in 1977, we were unable to schedule the construction of toilet facilities at the Etna Library. Therefore, we have included in the 1978 cost proposal, both the facilities construction and the cost of connecting to a water supply and the sewer system. After discussions with the Etna Library Board, our shared objective is to promote and expand the continued use of this library facility for the residents of the Etna and Hanover Center areas of the community.


  • Etna Library budget: $2,982; Howe Library budget: $126,309


Hanover Annual Report, 1978

  • Howe Library Trustee report: Howe Library's third year in the new building saw continued growth of its collections, its circulation and its clientele. 2,931 volumes were added to the book collection and 1,446 volumes were discarded, bringing the total collection to 37,356 volumes. Circulation for the year increased to 136,086. 1,624 new borrowers were registered and 1,382 were removed from the rolls, bringing the total registration to 6,278 and indicating that the population of library users experienced a turnover rate of approximately 25%. Special emphasis was given to the information needs of the community in 1978, with increased hours of coverage at the reference desk, significant improvement of the reference collection, heightened in-service training in reference services for all the library staff, and an exhibit of suggested paperback reference books for the home collection. Several hundred additional cross references were added to the card catalog, in an effort to make subject searches of the catalog more productive for the library user. Increased funds were appropriated for the book budget so that the library could implement a plan to carefully evaluate the books in each nonfiction subject area, replacing out-dated information as necessary. A new community resource developed by the library this year was our file of information about the offerings of area nursery schools and other child care facilities. As the public turns more frequently to the library for help with day-today informational needs, we expect to focus increasing effort on our ability to locate pertinent information—whether that information is found in our own collection, in library resources elsewhere in the community or the state, or by referrals to other area agencies. Library programs of a cultural and educational nature were again well-received in 1978, with 6,114 adults and children in attendance during the year. 53 adult programs were offered, including lectures, films, musical events, poetry readings and art exhibits. All were produced by the volunteer efforts of local people willing to share their talents and interests with the community. The 202 children's programs included story hours, puppet shows, films and filmstrips and special seasonal activities. In addition, the Children's Librarian made 49 visits to classrooms and on 48 occasions worked with children who came to the library in organized groups. Educational, cultural and civic organizations made use of the library's meeting rooms in increasing numbers. The Mayer and Murray Rooms were used by 84 different groups a total of 422 times during the year. The class in Braille Transcribing and the Hanover Women's Chorus again met regularly at the library. The efforts of the Library staff in all areas of work were supported and enriched by the 3,236 hours of volunteer help given to the Howe Library. Volunteers (currently 35 in number) assisted at the circulation desk, processed books, typed and filed catalog cards, delivered paperbacks to community locations, and helped plan and present programs. According to a recent national survey of public libraries the average library had 65 hours of paid staff time for each hour of volunteer time, whereas at Howe we have approximately 5 hours of paid staff for each volunteered hour. Through this intensive use of volunteers we are able to stretch minimal staff hours to provide maximum services, and we gratefully acknowledge our volunteers' dedicated contribution to the life of the library and the Town.


  • Etna Library Trustee report: Ila Douple has continued as librarian this year. The summer story hour was again successful with some new faces along with the old ones. This year we held both a fall and spring open house to introduce new people to the library. Our regular collection is supplemented by the Bookmobile, which leaves one hundred books three or four times a year. This spring as part of his Eagle Scout project Andrew Crow donated a notebook full of pictures and information on old Etna. With this as inspiration we have retaped some interviews of people from both Etna and Hanover reminiscing about old times. The Etna Ladies Aide has donated a cassette tape recorder on which these tapes can be played. Both the tapes and the recorder are available for circulation. It is our hope to collect more items of local historical interest. We have received donations of $25.00 from both the Hanover Garden Club and the Conservation Council towards books related to their fields. Robbie Raven, as part of a scout project, donated his time to organize the back issues of National Geographic . A number of children's records have been added and are circulating well. Facility improvements include the installation of a toilet, running water and connection to the sewer line. The following statistics have been prepared to depict the use of our building over the past year.


  • Sewer Department report: 1978 maintenance and construction included the installation of service connections for existing and new buildings, including the Etna Library, and the rebuilding of approximately fifty manholes.


  • Formalization of Howe Library arrangement: The Town and the Howe Library Corporation currently have an informal arrangement concerning the liquidation of indebtedness incurred in the renovation of Howe Library. We recommend that this arrangement be formalized, including the total amount to be converted to permanent financing, and the annual contribution to be made by the Howe Library Corporation. We understand that such negotiations have now begun.


  • Howe Library Budget notes: The Howe Library budget, through the efforts of the Department Head and the Trustees, has been presented at essentially the same level as the 1978 figure. The gross expenditure budget is up less than 1% and the net budget is actually down from the 1978 level. This has been accomplished with no decrease in service to the public. The library budget includes thirty Sunday openings and an increase in the number of reference librarian hours from 22 to 25 per week. In addition this budget contains a continuation of the collection expansion program which was instituted last year. We have increased purchases by 8% per year and discard 4% per year for a net collection gain of 4% per year. The debt service payments for the library building construction were finalized, and the first principal payment was made in 1978. The Trustees believe that they will be able to generate enough revenue to fully offset the interest portion of the debt service in 1979.


  • Etna Library Budget notes: Work that was begun in 1978 will be continued in 1979 in order to develop the Etna Library building into a more usable structure for multi purpose events. Its primary function as a community library remains unchanged and it now has running water, a sewer hookup and will get storm windows, paint and some roof repairs in 1979. Since the majority of the major improvements were conducted in 1977 and 1978, this budget is being presented at a 34% decrease from the 1979 level.


  • Etna Library budget: $7,575; Howe Library budget: $198,555


  • Etna Library items circulated: 2,676; patron visits: 1,280; days open: 99


Hanover Annual Report, 1979

  • Howe Library Trustee report: Howe Library circulation for the year was 134,715, an average of 20 items per capita, as compared with the statewide average of 6. 1,662 new borrowers were registered, with total registrations now at 6,477. Of this total, 4,834 are adults, 1,069 are middle school or high school students, and 574 are children. 400 borrowers paid a non-resident fee for library membership. With provision in the budget of increased funds for purchase of library materials, the library was able to stay ahead of inflation and continue its program of carefully evaluating and expanding the book collection. 3,131 volumes were added and 1,696 discarded in 1979, bringing the total book collection to 38,791. Of the volumes added, 686 were gifts given either by individuals or by community organizations. 107 of these gifts were memorial gifts. Also added to the collection were 170 records and 70 items of other audiovisual materials, bringing the total collection to 1,613 records and 524 tapes, filmstrips and slide sets. A new service, begun last fall, was the provision of a circulating collection of art prints and photographs, available for free loan for six-week periods. The collection presently includes 10 framed art prints and 10 photographs of New England scenes. It was made possible by a gift from the James C. Wicker Fund. A gift from the Hanover Lions Club will assist the library in pro- viding improved service to the visually handicapped. The Lions presented a $1,000 fund in memory of former president Bill Griffith. The income from the fund is to be used to purchase Large Type books or taped materials. Wheelchair access to the library was improved by the installation of a keyed doorbell. Keys are available for any person who needs help with the heavy doors at the building entrance. Special library programs for both adults and children continued to be well attended. 57 adult programs were offered, including poetry readings, films, lectures, musical events and art exhibits. Except for one program funded by a gift from the Elden Murray Fund, all of these programs were produced by the volunteer efforts of various program planners and participants. Attendance at adult programs was 1,751. The 219 children's programs included story hours, puppet shows, a mime performance, films and filmstrips and seasonal activities. Attendance at these was 4,701. In addition, the Children's Librarian made 61 visits to classrooms and worked with 41 groups of children (school classes, Scouts, etc.) who came to the library. The library's meeting rooms were used 434 times during 1979 by a total of 99 different educational, cultural or civic organizations. Both the Mayer Room and the Elden Murray Room are available free of charge for the programs or meetings of such groups whenever they are not required for use by the library's own pro- grams. Town officials and library staff and trustees honored staff member Mary Churchill in June for 30 years of outstanding service to the Howe Library. During the year six staff members attended classes or workshops to increase their knowledge of library materials and improve their ability to guide the public in searching for information. The efforts of the staff were again ably augmented by the work of 38 volunteers who faithfully and generously gave 2,987 hours of their time and energy to serve the library and the community.


  • Etna Library Trustee report: Ila Douple has continued as librarian this year. The library is open Tuesdays and Thursdays for a total of eight hours a week. During the summer weekly story hours were held, supplemented by occasional films. We also had a summer reading club for children. Once again we held our annual spring open house to introduce new people to the library and so that old friends could get together. We have continued to add to our collection of books and records throughout the year, with the main emphasis being on children's materials. The Etna Ladies Aid has donated a new book rack to hold our increased number of children's paperbacks. We have also received a set of government pamphlets from the Grafton County Extension Service. In December new window quilts were installed to help conserve heat.


  • Howe Library budget notes: The Howe Library budget increased about 12 1/2 percent over 1979. Inflation on the cost of books and other library materials has been in excess of the average inflationary rate. We have included a continuation of our program aimed at increasing total volumes by 4% in 1980. Also, in response to public request for service the library will be open for six additional Sundays. Revenues show a 28% increase and are generated by interest on investments from unrestricted funds, fees and fines and a newly introduced charge to the Administration Department for Library personnel efforts at the Municipal Building's new Resource Center.


  • Etna Library budget notes: The Etna Library budget shows a slight decrease from 1979 although the cost of volumes has increased. The primary decrease is in capital outlay since most of the energy conservation improvements to the building have been completed.


  • Etna Library budget: $5,018; Howe Library budget: $199,184


Hanover Annual Report, 1980

  • Howe Library Trustee report: The library's growth during these past five years has been possible because of Hanover's library-minded citizens, who value the informational, cultural and recreational contributions a strong library can make to the community. During these difficult inflationary years, when many libraries have been faced with declining book budgets in the face of enormously increased book costs, citizen support for the Howe Library has made it possible to steadily increase the number of books added each year while regularly removing from the collection outdated and unused materials. To augment funds budgeted by the Town, both individuals and organizations have regularly donated additional books and book funds, and in 1980, 648 of the 3,489 volumes added were such gifts. In addition, the work hours donated by community volunteers continue to make it possible to offer 65 hours of library service each week, a schedule we could not maintain with our paid staff alone. A project coordinated between the library and General Administration was completed in 1980, organizing Hanover document collections in the Town Office and the library. A Resource Center has been established in the Town Office, with Hanover publications and supporting materials available for use by Town officials and the public. Howe Library houses a duplicate collection of current documents in the reference area and an Archives for storage of older materials. Catalogs for the documents are available in both locations. The library will continue to maintain these collections to provide convenient access to local government information. Our plans for 1981 include a series of assessment studies to determine the degree to which the library currently meets its citizens' library needs. Does our library service, as it has developed to this time, represent the best possible pattern for the future? Given the constraints on time and money that we face, are we providing the most effective services possible?


  • Etna Library Trustee report: There have been changes in both the inside and outside of the library this year. Ila Douple retired as librarian in August in order to take a teaching job and Carol Ahern was hired to replace her at that time. Outside, the woodwork, sign and book drop have all received a new coat of paint. The library continues to be open eight hours a week. During the summer there are weekly story hours which often include films borrowed from the State Library. Most of our purchases, as well as our circulation, have been children's paperback books and records and adult magazines. We also have a good number of contemporary hardcover books for adults which have been donated.


  • Etna Library budget: $4,789; Howe Library budget: $224,198


Hanover Annual Report, 1981

  • Howe Library Trustee report: 3,655 volumes were added to the book collection (618 of these were gifts) and 1,749 volumes were withdrawn. The total collection now numbers 42,229 volumes. The library currently receives 180 magazines (45 of these are gifts) and 11 newspapers. The record collection numbers 1,772. 2,605 hours of volunteer time were given to the library in 1981. Volunteers worked at the circulation and reference desks, processed and repaired books, typed and filed, and served on program planning and book selection committees. During 1981 Howe Library became one of eight public libraries in the state to be designated as depository libraries for the federally funded Talking Book Service. Records and cassettes, and the special equipment required to play them, are available at the library. Anyone who is prevented by impaired vision or other physical disability from using conventional printed materials is eligible to borrow Talking Books. A planning study was conducted during 1981 by a committee of nine laypeople, two trustees and two library staff members. The purpose of the study was to assess the effectiveness of present library services and to make recommendations for the future. More then 900 members of the Hanover community (both library users and non-users) completed questionnaires for this study. The Planning Committee found a high degree of satisfaction with Howe Library services and an unusually high level of library use within Hanover. 74% of the adults contacted in a random telephone survey reported use of the library within the previous six months, which compares with a national finding that 51 % of adults use their library at least once a year. The Planning Committee also identified some weaknesses and inadequacies which should be addressed. They submitted to the Howe Library Board of Trustees a list of recommendations for possible implementation over the next five years. Because the study showed that many citizens are unaware of the variety of ser- vices offered (delivery to the homebound, for example) the committee recommended distributing an annual newsletter to all residents. The first issue of this publication, titled Howe Now, is to be mailed to each household in January, 1982. The newsletter was paid for by a gift to the Howe Library Corporation. The Howe Library Corporation, using all the income from its unrestricted endowment funds, was able to contribute to the Town budget, in 1981, $29,989 of the $30,517 required for debt service on the building loan. Current gifts to the Corporation throughout the year added to the book fund and provided items of special equipment and furniture not included in the regular budget. Two memorial book funds were established through the Corporation in honor of two long-time Hanover residents, Herbert W. Hill and Frederick S. Page. In 1982 the library plans to encourage increased giving of book funds in an effort to balance the cut of $3,300 in the book budget made necessary by cuts to the total Town budget. Because of these cuts, library hours for 1982 will also be reduced. The library will close at 6 p.m. on Fridays and will not be open at all on Sunday afternoons.


  • Etna Library Trustee report: This year there have been two major changes in the library. Carol Ahem resigned as librarian and Eva Coutermarsh was hired to replaced her. The inside of the library has received a much needed coat of paint and a new carpet. Volunteers have been recruited to help with cataloging books and with a program to deliver books and magazines to shut ins. The library continues to be open eight hours a week. During the summer there are weekly story hours which often include films borrowed from the State Library. Most of our purchases, as well as our circulation, have been children's paperback books and records, adult magazines and popular adult fiction. Thanks to a donation from the Garden Club, we have been able to purchase several nice books on gardening.


  • Etna Library budget: $4,661; Howe Library budget: $195,302


Hanover Annual Report, 1982

  • Report of the Selectmen: One of Jim's last struggles was the 1982 budget. The end pro- duct was a budget the Selectmen cut by almost $300,000 from the original requests. State revenue losses precipitated that drastic action, and it was a trying, painful process. Some areas of the budget that felt the cuts included: road repairs (overlay program), sidewalk reconstruction, capital reserves for equipment replacement, and- more noticeable to library users - the closing of the Library on Friday evenings and Sunday afternoons. The 1983 proposed budget addresses many of these cuts; and, after careful analysis of road repairs and vehicle replacement schedules, sidewalks, etc., the budget was increased in these basic areas. Also included in the library budget is an appropriation enabling the reopening of the Library on Sunday afternoons for a portion of the year.


  • Howe Library Trustee report: Circulation increased by 6% over 1981, even though Friday evening and Sunday afternoon hours were eliminated in 1982. In 1983 the library will again be open on Sundays from 2 to 5 p.m. 3,528 volumes were added to the book collection (728 of these were gifts) and 2,088 volumes were withdrawn. The total book collection now numbers 43,669 volumes. Because of crowded conditions in the non-fiction area, 180 feet of new shelving were added in December. The library now receives 183 magazines (of which 43 are gifts) and 11 newspapers. The audiovisual collection includes 1,720 records, 483 cassette tapes, 168 filmstrips, 21 slide sets, and 43 rolls of microfilm. There are 6,438 registered borrowers, 76% of whom are adults. 236 non-resident borrowers paid an annual fee of $35 during 1982; 260 non-resident borrowers paid a quarterly fee of $10. During 1982 there were 43 lectures, films and other programs for adults, attended by 1,463 people, and 11 special art exhibits. Story hours and other programs for children numbered 186, and were at- tended by 4,223 children. 35 visits were made to Hanover classrooms by the Children's Librarian. 25 groups of children came to the library for special tours or instruction. The library's Mayer Room and Elden Murray Room were used 600 times by 103 different groups. Although use of these meeting rooms is free to non-profit organizations, several of the groups made generous contributions in appreciation. These will be used to purchase needed equipment for the rooms. Money contributed to the library for the book fund during 1982 totaled $5,237, much of this in memorial funds or as gifts to honor individuals on birthdays or other special occasions. Each memorial or "honor" book is given a specially inscribed bookplate. Sizable memorial funds were established in 1982 for three recently deceased and greatly missed members of the Howe Library Corporation, Jean Dodds, Robert Fletcher and Martin Segal. Gifts to the book fund allow the library to purchase books over and above the sum allocated in the Town budget. Also used for this purpose is money earned from the library's on-going sale of discarded or duplicate books, $1,156 during 1982. In addition to this private revenue used for book purchases, 21 % of the library's total budget for the year was raised from non-tax sources: $22,998 from fines and fees, and $30,517 in Howe Library Corporation endowment income used to service the debt on the building. Gifts to the Corporation also provided special funds to reupholster several badly worn chairs in the browsing rooms, an item not included in the regular budget. Private support for the Howe Library includes not only these gifts of money but the gift of time given by our regular library volunteers. In 1982 these volunteers gave 2,566 hours to the library — assisting at the circulation desk, processing books, shelfreading, typing and filing, delivering books to the homebound or to our paperback racks throughout the community, and helping to plan and present special programs and exhibits. Their total hours provide, free to the community, the equivalent of approximately 1 1/2 full-time staff. In December, a mural of Hanover's Main Street in earlier days was installed in the Murray Room of the library. On long-term loan from the Hanover Improvement Society, the four-by-sixteen-foot picture was painted by Bernard Chapman in 1951 and was removed from the Nugget Theatre lobby when that building was remodeled. We are pleased to have this historic painting in a room dedicated to the memory of Elden Murray, whose contributions to the life of downtown Hanover are well known to all.


  • Etna Library Trustee report: The circulation figures for the Etna Library for 1982 [figures shown in report]... represents an increase over the previous year in every category except adult books. During the year 298 new titles were added to the library collection. Of these, 126 were donations and the bulk of the remainder were children's paperback books. Ten weekly film and story hours were held during the summer months. Storm windows were installed on the two northern windows as an energy conservation measure. We hope in the next few years to have storm windows on all of the windows. In November a crabapple tree was planted on the front lawn of the library and dedicated to the memory of James Campion. A large number of people attended the dedication. The North Country Community Theatre also donated a sum for the purchase of a book in James Campion's memory. With this donation we purchased a volume of photographs of the Civil War. A generous donation from the Hanover Garden Club has enabled us to add several attractive gardening books to the collection.


Hanover Annual Report, 1983 

  • Etna Library Trustee report: After two years Eva Coutermarsh has retired as librarian and Maree Lagasse has been hired to take her place. Mrs. Lagasse has had many years of experience working in the Lebanon public school libraries. The library continues to be open eight hours a week. During the summer there are weekly story hours which often include films borrowed from the State Library. Most of our purchases, as well as our circulation, have been children's paperback books and records, adult magazines and popular adult fiction. The building is available for small meetings. Contact the librarian or one of the trustees for information.


  • Howe Library Trustee report: The library now has 6,543 registered borrowers, of whom 5,030 are adults. Library membership is free to all Hanover residents. 221 non-residents paid an annual fee of $40 to use the library during 1983; 342 paid a quarterly fee of $11. 3,824 volumes were added to the book collection (820 of these were gifts) and 2,021 volumes were withdrawn. The total book collection now consists of 33,936 adult books and 11,536 children's books. The audiovisual collection now includes 1,780 records, 537 cassette tape recordings, 174 filmstrips, 26 slide sets, and 58 reels of microfilm. Cassette tapes, both spoken word and music, are becoming increasingly popular for use in home and auto cassette players, and a major effort is being made to build the cassette col- lection. 183 magazines (44 of them gifts) are received regularly. The library subscribes to 11 newspapers. In newspaper back-files, on microfilm, are the Hanover Gazette (later the Granite State Gazette for the years 1885 to 1978, and the Valley News beginning with 1981. As more and better Large Print books become available for those with failing vision, the library is increasing its purchases in this field. Our funds are augmented by the annual income from a Hanover Lions Club gift in memory of Bill Griffith. There are now 333 Large Print titles in the collection. Access to additional materials through interlibrary loan is provided by a new State Library bibliography listing Large Print holdings of all public libraries in New Hampshire. During 1983 the library offered 39 lectures, films, book discussions and other programs for adults, attended by 1 ,165 people, and 11 special art exhibits. These included the seventh annual Elden Murray Photographic Contest and Exhibit. All these programs were planned and presented free of charge by volunteers from Hanover and the surrounding communities. Story hours and other programs for children numbered 220, with total attendance of 4,271. The Children's Librarian made 62 visits to Ray School and Richmond School classrooms. 74 groups of young people visited Howe for special tours or instruction, this included tours and orientation sessions in the fall for six groups of 7th graders. All students who attend Hanover-Dresden schools are given free cards to the Howe Library regardless of where they live. Mayer Room and Elden Murray Room facilities were used 532 times by 147 different groups. Although use of these meeting rooms continues to be free for non-profit organizations, several of these groups made generous contributions in appreciation. These funds are used to equip the meeting rooms. Private gifts to the library continue to supplement tax support. In 1983 a new mimeograph machine and an electronic stencil-maker were bought with gift money. In addition, $8,236 was spent on books and other materials purchased with funds coming to the library through the Howe Library Corporation. These funds include current gift money, income from book-fund endowment, and $1,431 earned through the sale of discarded or duplicate books. In 1983 $44,000 was added to the book-fund endowment through a bequest from Jean Witherell, a library user and library friend of many years. In addition to this private revenue which does not appear in the Town budget, 22% of the money the Town budgeted for the library was raised from non-tax sources. $25,971 from fines and fees and $30,517 from unrestricted Howe Library Corporation endowment in- come used to service the debt on the building. Another form of private support for the Howe Library comes in the form of volunteer hours given by library friends. In 1983, 52 volunteers gave 2,501 hours—assisting at the circulation desk, processing new material, typing and filing, shelfreading, helping plan and present programs and exhibits, and delivering books to the housebound and to our paperback racks throughout the community. Howe Library is open 62 hours each week from October through May, and 59 hours a week from June through September. In 1983 we were again able to budget for Sunday afternoon hours during fall, winter, and "mud season." It is apparent that Sunday hours are now an accepted and expected part of library service among people of all ages—whether they come to read the newspapers by the fireplace, to finish up their weekend homework assignments, or to share a family excursion in search of good reading.


  • Howe Library budget notes: This section covers the operation of the Howe Library. It includes no new programming and reflects increases only in utility accounts, books, and in salaries for regular step increases. It reflects two recent classification changes which were approved to more accurately reflect job responsibilities and two shifts from full time to part time positions. The overall financial effect of these changes is negligible with increased salary cost being offset by reduced fringe benefit costs but Library Director, Patti Eckels is convinced the changes will provide improved services. The reduction in funds needed for the copier reflects the fact that the final lease purchase payment was made in April 1983. Revenue from copier use will exceed the operational costs.


  • Etna Library budget notes: This section covers the operation of the Etna Library which is open 35 hours per week. [Note: unclear what this is referring to. The Etna Library remained open 8 hours per week]. The significant reduction here is possible because of the completion of the bathroom and water installation which was accomplished in 1983.


  • Etna Library budget: $5,148; Howe Library budget: $277,413


Hanover Annual Report, 1984

  • Howe Library Trustee report: Library users in Hanover had a busy year in 1984—borrowing 178,565 books, recordings and other materials; requesting 1,295 interlibrary loan transactions; asking 6,641 reference questions; and reserving 3,917 books. Circulation increased by 6% between 1983 and 1984, and it has risen by 32% over the past five years. 6,446 people held library cards at the end of the year. Of these, 4,982 were adults, 448 were children, and 1,016 were students in grades 7-12. Library cards are free for all who live in Hanover or attend Dresden or Hanover schools. 243 non-resident families paid an annual fee of $40 to use the library; 423 paid a quarterly fee of $11. 3,838 volumes were added to the book collection (578 were gifts) and 2,077 volumes were withdrawn. The total collection now consists of 35,062 adult books and 12,171 children's books. 189 magazines (47 of them gifts) are received regularly; the library subscribes to 11 newspapers. Microfilm holdings include the Valley News, from 1981, and the Hanover Gazette (later the Granite State Gazette), from 1885 to 1978, on microfilm and Time magazine, from 1936, on microfiche. We expect to add more magazines on microfiche in the coming year. The audiovisual collection now includes 1,796 records, 673 cassette tapes, 184 filmstrips, and 27 slide sets. Listen-for-pleasure cassette tapes, popular books tastefully abridged and skillfully recorded, were introduced at Howe during the year and were an immediate attraction. 73 titles of this series are now owned by the library and are in constant use, especially popular for family entertainment during long auto trips. During 1984 the library presented 224 story hours and other children's programs, with a total attendance of 4,252. 76 groups of young people visited Howe for special tours or instruction. The Children's Librarian made 55 visits to Ray School and Richmond School classrooms. For adults, 42 lectures, book discussions and other programs were offered, attended by 1,244 people; there were 11 special art exhibits. All of these programs were presented by volunteers or were funded by grants from the New Hampshire Council for the Humanities. The library's two meeting rooms were used 619 times by 127 different groups. The Mayer Room and the Elden Murray Room are available free of charge to any non-profit group. Private gifts continue to be a welcome supplement to public funds. In 1984, $3,699 was received in current gifts. This was supplemented by income from restricted endowment and by $1,800 earned from the sale of old books. These funds were spent primarily for book purchases over and above the budgeted amount. Monthly program listings in the Valley News and the printing and mailing of the library newsletter, Howe Now, were also paid for with gift funds. The library turned over to the Town $27,827 collected from nonresident fees, overdue fines, and use of the coin copier. $30,517 from unrestricted Howe Library Corporation endowment income was paid to the Town to service the debt on the library building. Volunteers continued to support the efforts of the paid staff by contributing 2,383 hours of work—helping plan and present programs and exhibits, delivering books to the housebound, shelfreading, typing and filing, processing new books, and assisting at the circulation desk. This time given by library friends represents the hourly equivalent of one-and-one-third full-time staff. Three new part-time members joined the library's circulation staff in 1984, in a staff reorganization that involved reducing the number of full-time positions and adding more part-time positions. New staff members are Charlotte Bernini, Marcia Manzo and Ann Mercer. In June the library celebrated the completion of 35 years of service by Head of Technical Services Mary Churchill! As we look to the new year, we anticipate the initiation of our public access microcomputer project in late January. Funded by gifts from AMCA International and the library's Elden J. Murray Fund, this project will make available to adult library users an Apple lie with 128K memory and two disk drives, a dot matrix printer, and a selection of software. The intent of this project is to encourage the development of computer literacy through an individually paced, self-teaching program. For those already experienced with computers, it will provide an opportunity to use the library's hardware and software for a variety of applications.


  • Etna Library Trustee Report: The Etna Library has a new librarian this year Andrea Thorpe of Enfield. She has worked both in the Enfield Public Library and Baker Library and we are benefiting from her experience and enthusiasm. The Commodore 64 computer which was purchased a year ago continues to receive a great deal of use - 149 users for a total of 128 hours. The Dartmouth Bookstore has recently donated a printer and the Library has purchased the Bank Street Writer word processing program. Special programs held this year were a Ukranian egg decorating class conducted by Xenia Heaton, a talk by Jean Kemeny on her new book, "Strands of War", a display of pictures and other items depicting Etna history, and a wreath making demonstration by Elizabeth Tobiasson. A meeting of interested Etna residents was held in October to discuss ways that the Library might serve the community. Some ideas which are being explored are: book discussion groups, talks of local interest, craft demonstrations and seminars on the use of the computer. The decision was made to open the library for two additional hours a week with volunteers on Thursday evenings. The Library is now open ten hours a week, including the two volunteer hours. During the summer there are weekly story hours which often include films borrowed from the State Library. Most of our purchases and circulation have been popular adult fiction, magazines and children's books and magazines. Recently several tapes of readings of adult novels have been added.


  • Library budget notes: The Howe budget has been divided into three program categories: Administration; Youth Programming; and Adult Programming. The major emphasis in this budget area is to provide relief for the staff personnel. One type of relief will come through providing 16 more hours per week for the part time staff. Five of these hours will be in technical services for cataloging and processing books and non-print materials. Particularly with the growth in popularity of non-print materials, this additional time is essential. There is also a request for nine more hours per week for part time employees to cover the circulation desk at times when regular employees need time to perform their non-circulation desk responsibilities. This request recognizes that personnel time has not kept pace with circulation increases in recent years and in order to continue to maintain the excellent service level of the past such increases are required. In recognition of the need to review and adjust library classification and salary schedules, the Board of Selectmen included an additional amount of $5,000 under Howe Administration to fund at least a portion of the increases required in the 1985-86 fiscal year. In the Etna Library portion of the budget the most significant change is again caused by the need to significantly increase the salary paid to the professional librarian.


Hanover Annual Report, 1985

  • Howe Library Trustee report: During the latter part of 1985 the community celebrated Howe Library's tenth anniversary in its new building by participating in a variety of events planned by the library's trustees and staff. These included an exhibit (85 Years of Howe Library History) in the Mayer Room; visits by all school children from first through sixth grade; a magic show and a story-telling party for children; evening lectures and a poetry reading; and a regional gathering of librarians from Vermont and New Hampshire to discuss the future of library automation in these two states. The celebration culminated in a gala candlelight dinner for 150 in the reading rooms of the library on the evening of December 8. On December 2, the 1,500,000th item was circulated from this building, a children's book borrowed by Brenda Schwab. Bells rang, pictures were taken, and a book was added to the library collection in honor of Mrs. Schwab. The library's collections now include 36,198 adult books, 12,780 children's books, 928 cassette tapes, 1,846 records, 361 other audiovisual materials, 211 current magazine subscriptions, and 11 current newspaper subscriptions. The index to The New York Times and microfilm holdings of The New York Times back to 1980 are now available for the first time. Of the 6,526 people holding library cards, 5,082 are adults, 1,039 are students in grades 7 through 12, and 441 are children. 315 nonresident families paid an annual fee to borrow materials from the library, and 298 paid a quarterly fee. 1,332 adults attended special Thursday evening programs. Attendance at children's programs was 4, 139. 79 groups of young people made formal visits to the library for special tours or instruction. The children's librarian made 54 visits to classrooms. The Mayer Room and the Elden Murray Room were used by 139 different community groups in 1985, in addition to the library's own uses. These rooms are available free of charge to non-profit organizations. Beginning in early February the Apple lie computer and an assortment of software were available for public use, funded by gifts from AMCA and the Elden Murray Fund. The computer was used 427 hours by 46 different adults. The most popular pieces of software were tutorials for learning to use the computer, two word processing programs (Bank Street Writer and PFS Write), and Visicalc. Revenues turned over to the Town from January 1984 through June 1985 included overdue charges of $16,236, non-resident fees of $23,602, and income from the coin-operated copier of $5,218. The Howe Library Corporation paid to the Town $30,517 from unrestricted endowment earnings, to service the debt on the library building. Gifts to the library included 591 books, 22 records, 53 cassettes, 55 magazine subscriptions, and 11 new art reproductions for the circulating art collection. Some of these were given directly to the library, some were purchased from current gift funds, and some were bought with the income from restricted endowment. This fall the library received a bequest of $20,000 from the Robert A. McKennan Trust as a memorial to Katherine Laycock McKennan, the income to be used for library materials. Other current gifts were used to maintain the aquarium in the children's room, pay for program advertisements in the newspaper, provide hospitality and flowers for library functions, print and distribute a town-wide mailing, and subsidize the tenth anniversary celebration. Another valuable gift to the library was the 2,663 hours of work given by 30 volunteers who assisted at the circulation desk, made posters, delivered books to the housebound, typed, filed, processed new books, planned and presented programs, and kept the bookshelves in order. Looking to the new year, we anticipate that the library board will be reviewing and updating library policies in preparation for our application for "certified" status in the newly reorganized statewide library system. This will also involve studying long-range needs and recommending a five-year plan for meeting these needs.


  • Etna Library Trustee report: This has been a successful year for the Etna Library, with circulation figures doubling those of last year. The library continues to be open ten hours a week. Two hours on Thursday nights are covered by volunteers. The greatest part of our circulation is children's books, adult magazines and adult popular fiction. We now have a small library of books on cassette which have been very popular. Special programs this year have included several holiday programs for children, an open house featuring spinning, weaving and knitting demonstrations, and a talk by Nardi Campion on writing humor at a reception for the volunteers. A children's story hour was held weekly during the summer and will continue on Saturday mornings this coming summer. The librarian is continuing the process of organizing the collection and the card catalog. We wish to thank all those people who have donated their time to help out with programs and as Thursday night volunteers and those, in particular Bob Kirk, who have donated books to the library. Your help is much appreciated.


  • Library budget notes: The requested appropriation for the Howe Library reflects the substantially revised classification and salary schedule for library employees which was approved by the Selectmen on June 3, 1985 to be implemented over a three year period. Twelve thousand four hundred dollars of the increase in the three Howe divisions in the 1986-87 budget are required for this adjustment. The 1986-87 year is the second of the three years required for this adjustment. The primary reason for the rest of the increase in the library appropriations covers the increased cost of books which runs between 8% and 14%. In the Etna Library portion of the budget, the appropriation increase covers the change in classification of the professional library position and the increased cost of books and magazines.


  • Etna Library budget: $4,088; Howe Library budget: $211,801


Hanover Annual Report, 1986

  • Howe Library Trustee report: Circulation increased by 3% over 1985. The per capita circulation for the year was 19+ items, compared with a state average of about 6 items. At the end of the year, library cards were held by 6,608 people, of whom 78% were adults. 316 families paid a yearly non-resident fee of $45 to use the library; 276 families paid a quarterly fee of $15. During the year, 3,953 volumes were added to the book collection and 2,005 volumes were withdrawn. The total collection now numbers 50,926 volumes. Three newstack sections will be installed in 1987 to house this growing collection. 213 magazines and 13 newspapers are received regularly. Microfilm holdings include The New York Times, 1980 to date; the ValleyNews, 1981 to date; the Hanover Gazette (later the Granite State Gazette), 1885 to 1978; Time magazine, 1936 to date. In July, with funds given through the Howe Library Corporation, the library purchased a microfilm reader/printer capable of printing copies from both roll film and fiche. The audiovisual collection now includes 1,899 records, 1,192 cassette tapes, and 216 filmstrips and slide sets. Cassettes continue to grow in popularity. The library now adds few new recordings on discs, instead diverting almost all funds for the purchase of both music and spoken word recordings to the cassette collection. During the summer a survey of library users was aimed at gauging community interest in establishing a videocassette collection at Howe. This collection might provide non-fiction video and film classics. (It would not provide current movie hits or other entertainment features readily available from local commercial outlets.) 225 people responded that they now own a VCR, or expect to own one soon. Interest was expressed in the various categories in this order: films based on literature or children's books, "classic" films, documentaries, the arts, science, health and fitness, do-it-yourself instruction, hobbies, travel, and sports. The Apple lie, with printer and software, continues to be available to the public during afternoons, evenings, and weekends. Fewer people are now using it for learning about computers and more are using application programs, notably word processing and data base management. Reference staff use the computer to access the statewide union catalog for interlibrary loan requests, enabling them to locate titles more quickly for the borrowers who need them. During 1987 they will begin to access the state library's Status of Bills File and New Hampshire Newspaper Index, to provide better and faster information service to the community. A new service in the children's room in 1986 was the provision of a small collection of prints and posters, mounted and ready to hang, to be borrowed for home use. This collection is made possible by the library's Meck-Hazlett Fund. Gifts to the library in 1986 have included a bequest of $20,000 from the Mildred Morse estate and a public address system for the Mayer Room from the Hanover Historical Society. Individuals and organizations also provided as gifts 494 books, 59 magazine subscriptions, 3 newspaper subscriptions, 30 cassette tapes, and 27 records. Volunteers gave the library 2,418 hours of time and energy, assisting staff both in the daily routines of library work and in special projects that would not have been possible without them. The library turned over to the Town's general fund $31,962 from fines, nonresident fees, and copier fees. $30,517 from unrestricted Howe Library Corporation endowment income was paid to the Town to service the debt on the library building. At the Town Manager's request, a Long Range Planning Committee met during the year to study library needs over the next five years in the following areas: services, facilities, staff, and automation. This committee consisted of library staff, the president of the library trustees, and the librarians of the Richmond School and the Town Library in Etna. Their report has been submitted and is being studied by the Board of Trustees and the Selectmen. Copies of this 28-page report are available for loan from the library.


  • Etna Library Trustee report: It has been a busy year at the Etna Library. Circulation figures for January through November were 3,000, up from 2,527 in 1985 and 1,291 in 1984. The library continues to be open ten hours a week — two of those hours covered by volunteers. We received a grant from the New Hampshire Council for the Humanities to hold a five part book discussion series in the fall. These discussions were lively and well attended. We hope to do more adult programming in the future. Children's programs included ten Saturday morning movies during the summer, a puppet show and four special holiday storytimes. During December Clyde Watson read to the children from her books and Anne Byrne helped the children make terrariums. There is now a preschoolers' playgroup which meets twice a month at the library. A generous donation from the Etna Ladies Aid enabled us to purchase a supply of wooden puzzles both for use of the playgroup and other library patrons. New acquisitions include books-on-tape, puzzles, board books, computer software, books and magazines. We now have storm windows on all our windows and at long last a telephone (643-3116). The window seats have been refinished by the town and Gordon Hayes has refinished the conference table. We are in the process of acquiring new lighting fixtures since the lighting in the library is poor. We wish to thank all the "Thursday night" volunteers, lla Douple for the substituting she did this summer, the Hanover Garden Club for their donation towards books and magazines on gardening and the Etna Ladies Aid for their donation.


  • Library budget notes: The requested appropriation for the Howe Library includes the third and final year of the revised classification and salary schedule for library employees approved by the Selectmen on June 3, 1985. About $14,000 of the increase in the three Howe sections in the 1987-88 budget are required for this adjustment.


  • Etna Library budget: $5,228; Howe Library budget: $249,421


Hanover Annual Report, 1987​​

  • Etna Library report: Library use: 1,527 people used the library in 1987 — up 20% from 1986. Hours open: 10 per week, with 2 hours covered by volunteers. Citizen Survey: Etna citizens were surveyed in preparation for long-range planning for the library. Special programs: Book Discussion series in November — preschoolers' playgroup twice a month — summer reading program for children — six storytimes with guest storytellers — Christmas crafts program. Building improvements: repairs to roof, steps, and railing — new trim paint — new interior lighting fixures. New programs planned for 1988: book discussion series and weekend storytelling series jointly sponsored with the Howe Library.















  • Howe Library report: Gifts: $13,461 book endowment income given by Howe Library Corporation —$25,000 bequest from Evelyn Hansen Hurd — $5,752 current gifts from individuals and organizations —endowed book fund established by Edward Connery and Elizabeth French Lathem. Ann Trementozzi, 6 mos. Director of Library Services Non-resident fees: in July 1978 annual fee was increased to $70 — quarterly fee to $20 — non-resident Dresden student fee set at $10 — Tuck School students studied recreation and library fee structure — their report is available at Howe. New service: videocassette collection financed by private gifts — 69 adult videos and 35 children's videos added in 1987. Plans for 1988: more publicity for services to seniors and the homebound —ongoing weeding and updating of nonfiction collection — establishing small collection of classical music compact discs financed by private donations.


  • Selectman Black and Nordgren honored PATTI ECKELS with the following resolution: It Patti Eckels has been the prime architect of Howe Library as it has developed over the past twenty years into one of the best public libraries in the nation. has been Patti's dogged determination, plus her commitment to good library practices that has made Howe what it is today. From gathering book lists, welcoming everyone to Thursday evening programs, to staying attuned to the state of the art in media materials, Patti saw to it that Hanover readers had the best available, in surroundings that were user friendly and comfortable. She has molded a staff of caring, dedicated professionals, all of whom follow her leadership of giving the little extras. Patti has been energetic, devoted, and has lived Howe Library as the director for the past twenty years. Now we hope she will have some time to enjoy her grandchildren and also share a rewarding retirement with her husband, David. I'm sure that after July 1 she will be pleased to have someone else worry about an overflowing bookdrop on holidays and weekends.


  • Etna Library budget: $6,375


Hanover Annual Report, 1988

  • Howe Library report: Howe Library "Firsts": Summer Reading Program for Children featuring the theme "I Scream for Books" was a successful cooperative venture of the Howe, Etna, Lebanon, and West Lebanon Libraries. 120 children participated by reading books at home and attending storytelling programs. Asix-part Canada series, "Canadian Literature with a Sense of Place", hosted by Howe and Littleton Libraries, with funding from the New Hampshire Humanities Council, the Institute on Canada and the United States, and the Canadian Consulate General. Monthly sessions will continue through May, 1989. Classical Music on Compact Discs: Howe Library began circulating classical CD's in December, 1988. This new service is made possible by the Evelyn Hansen Hurd Endowment Fund. Adult Reading and Discussion Series: A cooperative series with Etna Library featured fiction works on the theme "Families", with lectures given by local scholars. Accomplishments: Provided outreach services and deposit collections for Senior Citizens at the Hanover Senior Center and the Greens. Expanded the unabridged cassette and videocassette collections. Updated the Howe Library brochure. Developed options for an automated circulation system for Howe. Updated procedures for handling overdue materials. Hosted a "Pig Celebration" featuring "Carrot", an Upper Valley pig resident. This event was written up in School Library Journal, a national publication. Gifts: Howe Library received $9,558 in gifts for current use in 1988. Noteworthy gifts included: a bequest from the Dorothy Brackett Estate, an additional contribution to the Gertrude Rogers Moody Endowment Fund by Mrs. Moody, who had worked at Howe Library in her youth. A Macintosh computer and VCR were given by the Howe Corporation. Statistical information related to 1988 circulation and activities is available at Howe Library.


  • Etna Library report: 1988 has been a year of change at the Etna Library. Andrea Thorpe completed her library degree at Simmons College and accepted a full-time position at the Newport, New Hampshire library. Pat Erwin-Ploog, a newcomer to the community, served as librarian from February through September, and in September she was succeeded by Patricia Hardenberg, an experienced children's librarian. Special programs this year included a book series on autobiographies sponsored in conjunction with the Enfield and Lebanon libraries and funded by the New Hampshire Council for the Humanities. For our younger patrons Clyde Watson, a local author, presented several readings in the spring. During the summer Ben and Jerry's supported the "I Scream for Books" reading program, a cooperative effort with the Lebanon and Howe Libraries. The March and October open houses were attended by many members of the community. During the fall our story times have seen a gradually increasing audience. Throughout the year 104 library cards were issued to library patrons. Special acquisitions included a calculator and a typewriter. Endowment funds were used to purchase additional catalog file drawers. An emergency light and a fire extinguisher were installed. We extend thanks to the Dartmouth Bookstore for making it possible for the library to procure an answering machine and a computer stand. Thanks also to our loyal volunteers who have continued to enable the library to serve the public on Thursday evenings. For 1989 we plan to emphasize children's programs. This library was established in 1903 in accord with the "library act" of the legislature, approved April 11, 1891, by which the State gave a sum not exceeding $100 to towns that should provide to the satisfaction of the library commissioners of the State "for the care, custody and distribution of books furnished" by such gift, and that should appropriate not less than $50, if their last assessed valuation exceeded $1,000,000. The satisfactory care and custody of the books were assured by the construction in 1905 of the present /library building through an appropriation of $2,500 made by the town. The work was entrusted to a committee, consisting of H.W. Hoyt, Chandler P. Smith and Robert Fletcher, which drew the plans for the building and superintended the work. The structure, which was of brick on a granite underpinning, was rectangular in shape and one story in height. The interior, consisting of a single room of twenty-five by thirty-three feet, had a paneled ceiling of hazel wood, which was also the material oft he interior finish, while the walls were plastered. To insure the building against dampness, as far as possible, an air space was left between the double exterior walls, which were eight and four inches thick, and there was a second air space between the brick wall and the plastering. A fine approach to the building was secured by a flight of granite steps and abutments, the gift of Henry C. Whipple in memory of J.W. Dodge. Lord's" "History of Hanover" (p. 85)


Hanover Annual Report, 1989

  • Etna Library report: 1989 has been a year of growth for the Etna Library. Attendance is up by 24% with 50 new patrons registering over the year. Circulation of materials, including books, magazines and cassettes, has increased by 53%. Our emphasis this year has been on children's programs. At storytime, held every other week, a core group of "regulars" and newcomers gathered for stories from books, storytelling, puppetry, songs and simple crafts. Two puppet shows were well attended. Both the April vacation program and the July Family Event were based on children's literature and folklore. The Summer Reading Program was again a cooperative effort with the Howe and Lebanon Libraries. Our theme was "Books! The Greatest Show On Earth." 14 children in Etna completed the program to earn a Ben & Jerry's ice cream cone. A combination Book Sale and Open House was held in October. Revenue from the sale will be used to purchase new books. A book weeding project conducted by the librarian has freed needed shelf space for new acquisitions in all areas of the library. The remaining classics, popular titles, recreational reading and informational material are now attractively displayed and easier for patrons to locate. Special acquisitons included a new book truck, a cassette tape player/recorder with headphones, a flannelboard for use in storytimes, folding chairs, a file cabinet, and shelving to showcase new books. A chronometer, new basement windows and a new basement door were installed. The Board of Trustees and the librarian offer a special thank you to our Thursday evening volunteers for their help in extending the library's hours each week.


  • Howe Library report: Purchased automation software and began data input of the collection (made possible by a major gift from Howe Library Corporation). Launched "Rediscoveries:" Honored Howe borrowers share favorite literary works in monthly personalized bookmarks, and accompanying display of titles deserving a wider audience. "Read-a-thon" with Richmond School 7th graders reciting folktales in the Children's Room to celebrate Young Readers' Day. Hosted concurrent Greek and Hebrew Language seminars, funded by the N.H. Humanities Council. "Storytellers Series:" 6 sessions highlighting "1989- The Year of the Young Reader," funded by the Elden Murray Foundation. The 2nd Annual Summer Reading Program for children featuring the theme: "Books! The Greatest Show on Earth" was again a successful cooperative venture of the Howe, Etna and Lebanon libraries; 150 children participated. Hosted a "Big" October booksale in the Mayer Room run by Howe staff and volunteers, earning $743. Cooperated with Grafton County Literacy Program to provide weekly meeting space for tutors and students. Continued outreach and home delivery services to seniors and other homebound persons. Held 3 adult book discussion series, funded by the N.H. Humanities Council: "Working, Making a Living, Making a Life," a noon series; "The Search for Meaning," an afternoon series; and "Consider the Source: Old Tales Retold," and evening series. Held the 13th Annual Elden Murray Photographic Competition & Exhibition, sponsored by the Elden Murray Foundation. Established a special "Friends of Howe Library Fund" for the purchase of nonbook items which cannot be funded through the regular budget. 1989 statistical and financial information is available at Howe Library.



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Photograph from a town report of Andrea Thorpe, Librarian
Etna Library Trustees 1987
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