For well over a century, the Etna Library has been a treasure trove of information and entertainment, a popular gathering place, and an invaluable community resource. Your donations will help the library to continue to serve the village of Etna and the town of Hanover, offering new materials and exciting events.
Please Note: The Etna Library and the Howe Library are separate organizations. Money donated to Howe will not go towards supporting the Etna Library.
General Donations
Please make personal checks out to 'The Town of Hanover' and write 'For the Etna Library' in the notes. Checks can be dropped off at the library or mailed to PO Box 207, Etna, NH 03750.
The Etna Library is a is a tax supported municipal library and is considered a governmental entity. Charitable contributions to governmental entities are generally tax Deductible under Section 170 (c) (1) of the Internal Revenue Code, if made for a public purpose.
Legacy Gifts
A bequest or other planned gift is a fantastic way to leave a legacy for future generations.
Legacy gifts include gifts through your will or living trust, your pension or IRA, a charitable trust, and a life insurance policy. These future gifts will assure that the Etna Library will continue its important role within the community.
Please email us at with any questions, and thank you for your support!