Hanover Town Reports
Hanover Annual Report, 1930 (currently missing)
Library Trustee report: "The large balance of February, 1930 was due to the fact that bills of the preceding year had not been presented before the account was closed, as the treasurer was out of town, five weeks before town meeting. The balance to next account should always be enough to make payments during the interim before receipts from the taxes of the year are available. The periodicals subscribed for, for the current year, 1930-31 are: The National Geographic Magazine, Saint Nicholas, American Nature Magazine, Child Life, Literary Digest, American Magazine, National Republic and Hanover Gazette. It will be noted that the insurance for another term of three years had to be renewed. Attention is called to the bequest of the late Mrs. Ella Dewey Merrill of one hundred dollars to the library fund. This will increase the total of trust funds for benefit of the town library from $700 to $800, as will be seen by referring to another page. The trustees wish to acknowledge the co-operation and assistance of the librarian of the Howe library in perfecting the card catalogue of the town library and giving advice in the selection of books. This aid is particularly valuable because of the increasing difficulty of selecting wholesome, worthwhile books from the great mass of undesirable and even distinctly harmful books recently published. It will be noted that the children and grown-ups are about equally favored in the selection of magazines subscribed for. The aim has been to have the same policy in the choice of books. The librarian of the town library is always ready to receive suggestions concerning new books. However the readers should be aware that the quality of a good book cannot be judged by the title only. Some titles repel a right-minded reader at once. For others the reputation of the author is a fairly safe guarantee of good quality. The library has been increasingly used during the past three years both by general readers and the young people of the schools. An annual appropriation of $400, at least, is needed for regular service and contingencies. There should be a better appreciation of the older books on the shelves, both fiction and more serious and informing reading. Surely some of the old favorites of our fathers and mothers and of our own earlier years have not lost all of their interest. There were thrillers then as now. Why not look over the shelves occasionally before insisting upon having one of the most recent books." - Robert Fletcher, Mrs. E. F. Emerson, Adna L. Camp, Trustees
Library Trustee report: "After twenty-five years of use with very little deterioration the library building received its first general re-varnishing and painting. The latter item related chiefly to the portico as there is but little other woodwork exposed outside. The interior finish, which has almost the fine quality of cabinet work, showed the need of renovation, especially around the window-casings where exposed to the hot sunshine of summer. The need for more adequate lighting through the afternoons of late autumn and the winter season, had become so great, that the trustees felt called upon to equip the building permanently with a system of electric lights. A light of sufficient power is set in each corner, and a central light over the center table and desk. The amount of current used incurs only the minimum charge of one dollar per month. This improvement makes it possible for visitors to linger in the library, even into twilight hours, and become better acquainted with the books. Again acknowledgment is due to the librarian and assistants of the Howe Library for advice in the selection of books and typing cards for the card catalogue. The clerical work of keeping the card catalogue up to date cannot be done for the town library in the time at command of the librarian. An increase in the appropriation is needed for perfecting the classification and arrangement of the books, so that the card catalogue will aid in quickly locating any book by title or author. While the amount spent for books is less than that spent in the previous year, the number bought (not far from 100) is hardly less, because many excellent books, written to hold the interest of both young people and their elders, are now available at moderate prices.—And right here must be mentioned the addition of a case of much needed double shelving to hold the increasing number of volumes properly arranged. Before that many had to be spread on window-seats or piled on top of the wall-cases. This occupies almost the last floor space available for book cases. The proposal to install a small oil-heating equipment similiar to some used in the kitchens of the village, was postponed in order to burn the firewood left over from last year. The advantage of the oil heat is that the building could be kept constantly at a moderate temperature of 50° to 60° during severe winter weather, and so avoid the extremes between penetrating "frost" and the slow process of heating the great room to be safely comfortable for the visitors and librarian during two afternoons in the week." - Robert Fletcher, Mrs. E. F. Emerson, Adna L. Camp, Trustees
Books added by purchase: 116
Number of bound volumes in collection: 9,462
Number of books loaned: 3,002
Library Trustee report: "The proposal to adopt oil heating for the library was abandoned after a trial with the stove in use. The cost of new equipment would not be justified for the few hours per week that the library is open; and considerations of economy led the trustees to continue the use of fuel produced here in the town. The electric lights have contributed much to the attractiveness and convenience of the library during the winter months, and at a cost not exceeding seventy-five cents per month, under the adjusted rates, less than ten cents for each day in use. As heretofore, the library has had the benefit of advice and co-operation from the Howe library, in the selection of books, and offering facilities for extension service beyond the village precinct. Probably never before today was there a time when good books on so great a variety of subjects could be bought at small cost. Since the librarian's report was sent in purchases have been made which bring the total up to 119. By reference to the treasurer's report it will appear that the average cost per volume was but little more than $1.50. Adding the cost of the periodicals (which have many readers) the total expense for new reading matter is found to be quite one half of the total income at the disposal of the trustees. The periodicals taken are : —monthlies : American Magazine, National Geographic Magazine, Nature Magazine, National Republic, Child Life and Good Housekeeping; the weeklies: Literary Digest and Hanover Gazette. Additions to the books of reference include a large Atlas of American Historical Geography, a History of American Railroads with over 400 illustrations, and books of the character of cyclopedias, relating to developments of modern science and nature study. These should be useful to older pupils in the grammar and high schools, as well as to their elders." - Robert Fletcher, Mrs. E. F. Emerson, Adna L. Camp, Trustees
Library Trustee report: "Some work has been done on the card catalogue during the year, but the entire usefulness of the library will not be realized until the card catalogue is quite complete and every new book has its card promptly entered. Only thus will it be possible to answer inquiry for any book and find the book without delay. The usual annual convention of librarians of the State was held last September in Littleton, and it was believed to be for the interest of our library to have the librarian attend. There is no doubt that these meetings of the librarians are helpful to all who participate. About 57 books have been added to the library, perhaps more than half fiction ; but a good number by religious teachers, and a fair proportion for the young people. Nine periodicals are now regularly received, including Hanover Gazette. It is a matter for satisfaction that strangers who have visited the library have expressed commendation for the wide range of subjects covered by the books; for the discriminating selection of authors ; and the sufficient variety in lines of literature,—fiction, biography, history, geography and books of reference. A modern writer has said: 'From the hour of the invention of printing, books, and not kings, were to rule the world. Weapons forged in the mind, keen-edged, and brighter than a sunbeam, were to supplant the sword and battle-axe.'" - Robert Fletcher, Mrs. E. F. Emerson, Adna L. Camp, Trustees
Library Trustee report: "In June 1934, Prof. Robert Fletcher resigned his position as a member of the Trustee Board. Your present chairman and treasurer was appointed by the Selectmen to fill out his unexpired term of office. A word of appreciation should be spoken for the devoted interest and splendid service rendered by Prof. Fletcher on behalf of the Town Library. His name appears on the written contract for the building of the Library, which goes back to 1905. During these long years he has served faithfully and in a capacity which has helped to make the Library what it now is. Many books were added during his term of office and the variety and selection was such, that a wide scope of reading material on many subjects may be found on the shelves. Thirty-seven (since- June, 1934) new books have been added. Gifts of books are gratefully acknowledged from Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Prescott and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Camp. The books purchased have been nearly equally divided as fiction and non-fiction in classification. Most of the children's and young people's books have been purchased directly from the Junior Literary Guild of America. Ten magazines are received monthly ; The Hanover Gazette is received weekly. Our property is in good repair. Some few minor repairs may be necessary in the near future. The annual cleaning has been done, including the varnishing of the floors and large table. The Library is well patronized and seems to be thoroughly appreciated in the community. It has been said that, 'a good book is a good friend.' If this be true, then there are many good friends in our Library for the residents of Etna." - Rev. L. Morse Merrit, Mrs. Etta F. Emerson, Adna L. Camp, Trustees
Number of bound volumes in collection: 9,743
Number of books loaned: 3,320
Library Trustee report: "The past year has been one of change and activity in our library work and program. The position of Librarian was made vacant on September 25, 1935 by the death of Mrs. Frank G. Emerson who had served in that capacity since 1929. We have also lost two other loyal friends in the library in the deaths of Professor Robert Fletcher, trustee since the origin of the library in 1905 until his resignation in 1934; and also Mrs. Nettie J. Praddex, librarian from 1910 to 1929. We are deeply indebted to these three, for all their devoted interest in the work of our library. They have left us a sacred trust; may we be faithful to that trust. On October 8, 1935, Miss Kathrina Spencer of Etna, N. H., was appointed to fill the vacant position of librarian. Mrs. L. M. Merritt was appointed as the assistant librarian. The vacancy on the Trustee Board has remained unfilled, awaiting action by the voters at the annual Town Meeting. On October 18, 1935, Miss Dorothy Annable, Secretary of the Public Library Commission at Concord, paid us a visit and sat in on a meeting with the trustees and our newly appointed librarian. Her counsel and suggestions on various matters were valuable and deeply appreciated. Miss Pratt, Field Worker of the Public Library Commission, spent parts of three days with Miss Spencer late in October, assisting her in sorting and re-arranging the books in their proper classification on the shelves. Miss Spencer and Mrs. Merritt continued with this work during the Fall. There is more to be done before this task is completed. Miss Pratt also gave our librarian much help and instruction in the more modern and practical methods of library administration. A new card system for circulating the books has been introduced. This has greatly added to the efficiency of the library as well as for the convenience of the borrowers. Miss Spencer gave some time and thought to the observance of Book Week in November. This was especially helpful to the school children. The largest number of books circulated on any one library day was one hundred and five. The average for each library day through the year was thirty-six. The magazines are popular with the reading public and always in demand. We hope to add some others in the coming year. The Hanover Gazette is received weekly. Some new equipment has been added. A new nine drawer card catalogue has been purchased to replace the four drawer one which we have outgrown. The gift of an interior bulletin board, made and installed by Mr. Harley Camp is deeply appreciated. Our property is in good repair; the annual cleaning, and varnishing of the floor and large table was done in June. An experiment has been in progress for the past few months. That is, having the library open one night a week. This has never been done before, but had been requested by some, so it seemed advisable to give it a try. Thus, the privileges of the library have been made available to a group of residents who are away all day and found it impossible to ever spend any time in the library. The results have been gratifying, and it seems advisable to continue with this plan, on Wednesday evenings from seven to eight-thirty o'clock. The library is well patronized and seems to be appreciated in the community." - Rev. L. Morse Merrit, Adna L. Camp, Trustees
Number of books loaned: 2,491
Library Trustee report: "We are glad to report a year of growth and progress in our library work for Etna. In June the District Meeting of Neighborhood Librarians was held in our library with an attendance of 35. The program started with dinner served at noon in the church vestry by the Ladies' Aid. Following the dinner hour, the meeting opened at the Library when greetings were extended to the guests by our Librarian, Miss Spencer. The guest speakers of the afternoon were Prof. Stearns Morse of Dartmouth College and Miss Grace Blanchard of Concord, N. H. Their messages were interesting and helpful to all. The meeting closed with a period of open discussion on library problems and administration. Mr. T. P. Bailey of Maiden, Mass., representing Gaylord Bros, of Syracuse, N. Y., paid us a very profitable visit, and conducted a book craft demonstration meeting. His practical information and instructions in the care and mending of worn books, was very helpful and most welcome. Some of the High School Girls have assisted Miss Spencer in repair work, using the methods taught by Mr. Bailey. Sixty-five books have been added by purchase. The World Book Encyclopedia has been purchased and we feel that this set of books make a fine and up to date addition to our reference division. Two magazines ("Fact Digest" and "Popular Science") have been added to our subscription list. In September, Miss Spencer attended the N. H. Librarian's Association annual meeting which was held at New London, N. H. The Trustees gratefully acknowledge a legacy left to the library by the late Irving P. Fitts. Mr. Fitts was a public spirited citizen and was keenly interested in our library. His kindness in remembering our work is deeply appreciated. The Trustees wish to commend Miss Spencer for her faithful performance as Librarian. We also express our thanks to any who have given books to the Library." - Rev. L. Morse Merrit, Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Trustees
Number of bound volumes: 3,800
Number of books loaned: 3,716; Number of magazines loaned: 610
Library Trustee report: "The work and program of our library has been carried on in the usual way during the past year. The library was open (Wednesday and Saturday afternoons 2-5; Wednesday evenings 7-8:30) on ninety-nine library days, making a total of approximately four hundred and fifty hours. During this period two thousand eight hundred and eighty nine books were borrowed, as well as many magazines and other periodicals. The largest circulation for a single day was eighty-six books; the smallest number being one book on a very stormy day in December. The average circulation for each library day was twenty-nine books. January saw the largest number of books loaned in one month; the month of August showed the smallest number of books loaned in a single month. During the year thirty-five books came from the State Library at Concord, which were loaned sixty times to nineteen people. These books have been on various technical subjects and have provided helpful and interesting supplementary reading. We have added a good selection of new books, and have tried to divide the number for adult and juvenile readers. Fiction continues to be in the greatest demand. However, some non-fiction books of value and importance have been purchased. These have become a valuable part of our reference division. A number of gift books have been received, coming directly from the publishers, with the compliments of the authors. Some industrial descriptive booklets have also been received, which prove interesting and especially helpful to the school children who seek information along these lines. We have added 'World Horizons,' a new magazine for young people, to our subscription list. This is proving to be a very popular addition to our magazine section. Miss Spencer has encouraged the children to do definite reading projects, and has given rewards to a number who have successfully completed this work. These rewards have been framed pictures, which have presented interesting studies in animal life. Miss Spencer attended the district Librarian's meeting held at Lyme last Spring. These meetings, which are held at stated intervals, prove very helpful in the exchange of ideas concerning library administration. Miss Pratt, from the Public Library Commission at Concord, paid us an official visit in July. She reported favorably on the work and organization of our library. She gave valuable assistance to Miss Spencer in helping to classify and re-number some of the books after the Dewey Decimal System. Her interest and help is greatly appreciated by our librarian and trustees alike. Our property is in good repair and has not necessitated any expenditure of money. We do need a new stove as the one now in use has served its purpose, and become much the worse from its years of service. This is a matter which must be taken care of before another winter. The trustees appreciate the interest and effort which Miss Spencer puts into her work as librarian. Her care and thought in many matters, make our library of a larger service to the community. We also wish to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to some who have given books to the library during the past year. The library is well patronized and meets a real need in our community. We would like to invite and encourage any of the community who are not borrowers, to make use of what we have for their enjoyment and culture." - Rev. L. Morse Merrit, Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Trustees
Loans - magazines: 471, adult books: 1,758, juvenile books: 1,131
Library Trustee report: "The library has been open on one hundred library days during the past year. There has been an encouraging increase in the general circulation. The average for a single library days was an output of thirty eight books. On one day there were more than one hundred books loaned. A total of three thousand five hundred and thirty-two books were borrowed. This number includes the adult and juvenile books circulated. Apparently, folks read more for recreation than education, as fiction continues to be in more demand. A selection of the better and more popular non-fiction books have been purchased. The reading public will be glad to know that books on any subject, which are not in our library, are procurable through the State Library and Public Library Commission at Concord. Miss Spencer is always glad to get your requests for this special service. More than one hundred books have been received and circulated through these two agencies during the past year. Some books have been given to the library. The trustees take this opportunity to say "Thank you" to those who have contributed. Our magazine subscription list has been changed some. "World Horizons" has not been renewed, as it has failed to be in demand. "Newsweek" has been substituted for "Time." Some issues of "Time" were very objectionable, because of the extensive liquor advertising. Miss Spencer attended the annual Fall meeting of the District Librarians held at Enfield in October. Miss Pratt from the Public Library Commission has visited our library. Her suggestions and help are always appreciated. The assistant librarian has been working with Miss Spencer in continuing with the work of re-numbering, classifying and cataloging the books. This is somewhat of a task, but will make a very fine improvement in our library in every way. The trustees have requested the Finance Committee to include a sum of money in the annual budget as a special appropriation for the purchase of a new stove. This new heater is badly needed. This is the first time since the library was built in 1905 that the town has been asked to spend money for heating equipment. The one in use was given by interested friends and was second hand at that time. The regular work of varnishing the floors and cleaning has been done, which keeps the interior of our building looking well. The library and librarian are here to serve you and help you. It is your privilege to take advantage of this service. Library hours: Wednesdays and Saturdays, 2-5 P.M. except on holidays. Wednesday evenings, 7-8:30 o'clock." - Rev. L. Morse Merrit, Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Trustees
Number of volumes in collection: 4,173
Loans - magazines: 439, adult books: 1928, juvenile books: 1473, State Library books: 69, Public Library Commission books: 62
Library Trustee report: "The work of the Hanover Town Library has been carried on in the usual manner during the past year. The library has been open on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, and also Wednesday evenings. The book circulation was about the same as last year. Ninety-six books were purchased and fifty-one books given, some by individuals and some were complimentary copies from the publishers. The Trustees take this opportunity to express their appreciation to those who have given books to the library. Outstanding among our book purchases, were a set of adventure and travel books for the Juvenile section. We have also added a Funk and Wagnalls Standard Unabridged Dictionary, which was very much needed. An effort has been made to divide the book purchases between fiction and nonfiction. However, fiction continues to circulate best. We continue to use the privileges of the State Library and the Public Library Commission at Concord. Miss Spencer will be glad to secure books on any special subject from these sources. Two new magazines have been added to the subscription list; "Jack and Jill" a children's magazine and "Open Road For Boys." The Trustees held several meetings and discussed the question of a new stove for the library. After several communications with the Finance Committee, a plan was worked out, where-by the much needed stove was bought and installed. This has been a splendid addition to our equipment and is proving satisfactory. Miss Spencer has done considerable work on the card catalogue and classification of books. Collecting book fines is one of our great problems. Some children who felt they couldn't pay their fines, have worked them out, under the supervision of the librarian. The librarian trys to consider the circumstances about the fines, but if all are to be treated fairly, it is absolutely necessary to enforce the book fine rule. We would urge a better spirit of co-operation with regard to the fine problem. Careful attention to the "due date" stamped in each book taken out, would do much to help along this line. The fine money is used for new books. Miss Spencer co-operates with the requirements of the Public Library Commission in trying to make the library more efficient to the community. She has recently received her Librarian's Certificate from the Commission. This is your library and it is here to serve you. The Trustees will welcome constructive criticism with regard to serving Etna better. Library hours: Wednesday and Saturday, 2 to 5 P.M. with the exception of holidays; Wednesday evenings, 7 to 8:30 o'clock." - Rev. L. Morse Merrit, Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Trustees
Loans - magazines: 501, adult books: 2181, juvenile books: 1252, State Library books: 117, Public Library Commission books: 75
Library Trustee report: "The Hanover Town Library has been open on ninety-seven days during the past year. There has been a total book circulation of three thousand, six hundred and thirty-one, or an average of thirty-seven books each library day. Outstanding among our book purchases has been "My Book House," a set of twelve children's books. The treasurer has tried to buy a good selection of the better non-fiction books with the fiction group. We have added two new magazines to our subscription list: "Hobbies" and "The Country Gentleman." The big thing accomplished in our library work this past year has been the cataloguing. This is a big job and is not yet quite all done. The assistant librarian has been working on this. No more work can he done until funds are made available from the budget for the coming year. The librarian, assistant librarian, and one member of the trustees attended the district library meeting held at Lebanon last Fall. The Bookmobile from the N. H. Public Library Commission has paid us several visits. We appreciate this service, which makes possible the circulation of books not allowed for purchase from our funds. We also continue to use the services of the State Library for supplemental books. Twenty-five books have been given to the library this past year. We take this opportunity to express our appreciation for these gifts. The librarian and trustees are anxious to serve the community in regard to their reading needs. We solicit your suggestions for better library service." - Rev. L. Morse Merrit, Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Trustees
Loans - magazines: 689, adult books: 2234, juvenile books: 1397, State Library books: 162, Public Library Commission books: 167
Library Trustee report: "The Hanover Town Library has been open one hundred days during the year beginning February 1, 1941, and ending January 31, 1 942. The total number of books loaned is smaller this year. Some of our borrowers have gone to camp and others are too busy for their usual leisure reading. The Bookmobile visits the Village School now and this reduces our circulation of juveniles. The treasurer has selected new books which are worthwhile because of their interest and bearing upon topics of the day and which will be of permanent value to the library. A set of up-to-date and most readable nature books has been added. Our big job of cataloging is nearly complete. Subject cards for the non-fiction volumes are yet to be added. The librarian attended the district meeting at Hanover during the Fall. She was much pleased to find that a good number of the books recommended for small libraries were on our shelves. The Bookmobile has visited us several times and books are still being borrowed from the State Library. Reference to the Librarian's report shows how popular this feature is. Miss Pratt from the Public Library Commission has visited the library and has given the librarian much needed assistance. A closing paragraph from last year's report: "The librarian and trustees are anxious to serve the community in its reading needs. We solicit your suggestions for better library service." - Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Trustees
Loans - magazines: 510, adult books: 1651, juvenile books: 838, State Library books: 139, Public Library Commission books: 357
Library Trustee report: "The library has been open the usual number of days during the year. The number of adult books loaned is not as large as usual but the juvenile circulation shows no diminution. The new books that have been purchased are circulating well. A set of collective biographies is proving to be quite popular with our young teen-age borrowers. Two innovations have been introduced: the library is now being used Thursdays for making surgical dressings. This brings the meeting place nearer the center of the village, a help in these days of gas and tire shortage. The second is the registering of borrowers. This custom is followed in many libraries and the librarian began this work at the beginning of the library year, February first. The trustees and the librarian will welcome any suggestions that will make the library of greater use to the public." - Rev. L. Morse Merrit, Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Trustees
Volumes in library: 4,100
Loans - magazines: 629, adult books: 1741, juvenile books: 1157, State Library books: 48, Public Library Commission books: 281
Library Trustee report: "The Hanover Town Library has been open ninety-seven days this year. The number of books loaned has been slightly smaller this year. This fact is not surprising when we realize the extra amount of work everyone is called upon to do in these days of war. The library is still being used every Thursday for the work on Red Cross surgical dressings. Miss Pratt from the Public Library Commission met with the trustees and librarian early in the year and gave advice and many helpful suggestions concerning the administration of the library and the selection of books. The number of new books purchased this year has been less due in part to the advance in price of books. It has been the endeavor of the trustees to purchase adult fiction and non-fiction books which are of particular interest at this time and also of value to the library for future use. Two aims of the trustees for the coming year: Chief of which is to enlarge the number of books needed for the use of grade and high school age readers. The second is to purchase adult fiction and non-fiction which will be of greater instructive and recreational value to all adult borrowers. Any suggestions and help in this work will be very welcome." - Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Martha T. Fuller, Trustees
Loans - magazines: 586, adult books: 1292, juvenile books: 974, State Library/PLC/Bookmobile books: 341
Library Trustee report: "The library has been open all the regular days during 1945. We have been continuing the program of increasing the number of our school-age books which we planned in 1944. Among these are volumes of picturesque Tale of Progress and a new World Atlas. The outside of the building has been painted and glass replaced in several windows. There has been nothing done to the inside of the building for several years. It is badly in need of a thorough cleaning and reflnishing. The floor is in very bad shape and should be sanded, refinished and waxed. We hope that this can be done during the year 1946." - Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Martha T. Fuller, Trustees
Loans - magazines: 735, adult books: 1,318, juvenile books: 1,009, State Library books: 29, Bookmobile books: 208
Library Trustee report: "The Library has been open all the regular days this year. The output of juvenile books has been considerably increased. Among the new books purchased this year is a large Funk and Wagnall's dictionary which we have needed for some time. Three volumes of travel for juveniles have been added. The repairs on the building have not been as extensive as we had hoped. Lack of labor was the main reason for this. The interior walls and the entrance have been painted. The steps and walk need repairing badly. We hope this year to get the ceiling cleaned and the floor refinished." - Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Martha T. Fuller, Trustees
Librarian report: "The card catalogue is in the process of revision. The juvenile books have been classified according to the Dewey Decimal System. The library has received some valuable gifts. Mrs. E. M. Hopkins of Hanover gave four bound volumes of the Youth's Companion. Mr. W. L. Webber of Newton, Mass., gave us some choice volumes which are an addition to our reference department. The librarian visited the upper grades in our village school during Book Week, showed books and told stories. Every book was borrowed and the children came to the library for more." - Kathrina Emerson Spencer, Librarian
Loans - magazines: 871, adult books: 1,312, juvenile books: 1,123, State Library & Bookmobile books: 612
Library highlights: "The Trustees of the Howe Library have requested the town to include a separate article in the Warrant to raise and appropriate $4,000 for the Howe Library. The citizens of Hanover have enjoyed the unique facilities and services of the Howe Library for almost half a century without any cost to themselves. The Library has operated with a deficit during the past two years and the estimated deficit for 1948 is $4,000. This is due to the reduced income from endowment and the constantly increasing costs of many items in the Library budget. If this expenditure is not approved, the services of the Library will have to be curtailed. The Committee believes the voters should make the decision, although it approves the appropriation. If the article relative to the Howe Library is voted at town meeting, the tentative town rate given elsewhere in this report will be increased by six cents." [First mention of the Howe Library in a Town Report].
Library Trustee report: "There seems to have been a slight decrease in the number of books loaned this year. This may be due to the smaller number of new books purchased. It was necessary to buy less in view of the fact that a big repair job on the floor was anticipated. The floor was thoroughly sanded and refinished with cero-seal which we hope will withstand hard usage and be waterproof. The librarians' pay was increased to compare with the amount paid librarians in libraries of the same size. At a recent meeting of the trustees and librarians, it was voted that the library be closed Wednesday evenings. After a careful study they found that only a few used the library Wednesday evenings, and it was possible for those few to come during the afternoon. We are very grateful to those who have so kindly given us so many books this year." - Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Martha T. Fuller, Trustees
Librarian report: "During the year several books were borrowed from the State Library. Some of these were books on special topics and were borrowed by request. From the Regional Library at Littleton (Bookmobile) 268 books have enriched our circulation. Our library has received some valuable gifts. Our old Encyclopedia Brittanica (1872) has been replaced by a much newer edition in twenty-four volumes, the gift of Mrs. Hawes of Hanover. With this came a fine hardwood table which is much used in our young folk's department. Professor and Mrs. Donald Stone of Hanover gave us a twenty volume set of the Book of Knowledge and eleven volumes of Thornton Burgess's animal stories. The last are extremely popular with our children. Other givers- have presented some fine books for adults. Dr. Gile and one or two others have remembered us with books. All the books in the library which are on the Junior and Senior High School reading lists are properly arranged in one corner where our young folks find them readily accessible. Through the summer vacation the village children came to the library Wednesday afternoons for a story hour." - Kathrina Emerson Spencer, Librarian
88 books purchased
Volumes in library: 4,550
Loans: 1,961 books
Library Trustee report: "We are glad to note a slight increase in the number of books loaned during this year. The purchase of a new set of American Educator books to replace our out-dated World Book increases our reference material. We appreciate the increased interest and fine cooperation from the local school teachers and pupils and hope we may be able to be of greater service to them in the coming year. The insurance on the library has been reviewed this year and in- creased to cover the present valuation of the building and contents. Certain repairs are needed and we hope to complete them during the coming year." - Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Martha T. Fuller, Trustees
Librarian report: "During the year the Bookmobile has visited us four times, bringing 260 books, which 75 borrowers have read 574 times. Later in the school year the Cowboy Club of Etna was launched, a summer reading club for young folk. A credit was given for each book read and a written report was submitted. The Club disbanded December 15, when diplomas were given to Rosalind Syvertsen and Glen Hart for having completed the required work. About twelve boys and girls read from three to eighteen books each. A friend of the library who wished to remain anonymous has enriched our collection by fifty books, among them a valuable set of Bible Commentaries and twenty-four volumes of biography." - Kathrina Emerson Spencer, Librarian
Loans - magazines: 605, adult books: 909, juvenile books: 1,096, Bookmobile books: 574
"To meet the total proposed expenditures, therefore, the amount to be raised by the Town property tax is $40,154.00 or $2,122.47 more than was raised by taxes in 1949. Although this is not an inconsequential increase, it should be noted that one of the factors that made possible an increase of only $2,122.47 was the unexpectedly good financial showing of the Howe Library. There are elements in that fortunate showing, however, that are not recurring, and it is evident that the requests of the Library to the Town in years to come will again be for $4,000 rather than the $2,000 that appears in the budget this year. The Finance Committee, then, recommends this budget of the Town and commends the officials for their careful conduct of the Town's financial affairs." - Finance Committee
Library Trustee report: "A comparison of the Librarian's report for 1948 with the one for 1949 shows a decrease in the number of books circulated. Miss Spencer attributes this to the fact that the Bookmobile has discontinued its service. However, the decrease in circulation seems to be in the juvenile department. We have been trying to build up this section of our library and are sorry to note this fact. Possibly the fact that the fifth and sixth grade school children are being transported to the Hanover school may account in part for this decrease. It is our aim to give the best possible service to the community and we would welcome any suggestions from teachers and friends as to how we may increase our service. New walks have replaced the old ones and the steps have been repaired. We need more shelf room and hope to purchase one new stack this year." - Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Martha T. Fuller, Trustees
Librarian report: "The library has been open ninety-nine days. The librarian acknowledges gratefully the recent gifts of books. About 150 volumes have been received from several friends. One donor gave us a complete set of Samuel L. Clemens' (Mark Twain's) works, thirty-seven volumes, a valuable addition. These books cover a wide range of subjects. Many fine books for the younger readers have been added. The books are in circulation but not all have been catalogued. The Bookmobile no longer brings adult reading, which explains the drop in circulation. The young folk have a reading club, The Eager Beavers. Credits are given and the number of books read by individual members is posted daily in the library. On February 23 the library celebrated its fiftieth anniversary. Twenty-one guests were present. Light refreshments were served. The Howe Library Corporation sent flowers. On June 1 the library gave the young folk an anniversary party with fifty-seven guests. Refreshments were served by two junior hostesses." - Kathrina Emerson Spencer, Librarian
New books purchased: 93
Loans - magazines: 583, adult books: 1,092, juvenile books: 764
Library Trustee report: "The Trustees find, in comparing records of previous years, that the number of books circulated during 1950 decreased. Eighty-six books have been purchased. We have had several books donated, as well as five dollars ($5.00) from a friend in Hanover. We wish to thank all of these donors, and let them know how much their interest and gifts mean to us. Miss Haslett, and her staff from Howe Library, have been very helpful. She spent one library day getting acquainted. It was a very cold, stormy day, and Miss Spencer was ill. There were few visitors, because of the weather. However, she did have a chance to get acquainted with the building and books. She has helped select many of the new books in the absence of Miss Spencer. We are very grateful for her help, and would like to return some of this kindness to the friends of Hanover. There may be books on our shelves which are not in Howe Library, or which are in such demand that another copy might be welcome. Please feel free to call on us any time and borrow. This is Hanover Town Library, not just Etna Library. We have needed no repairs this year, but a problem will soon confront us. Our heater is in very bad condition, and has proved inadequate to heat the building. There are two possible solutions either purchase a different type of heater, or keep the building heated continually, not just Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. Continuous heat would be the better solution, since the building is high posted, and requires much heat." - Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Martha T. Fuller, Trustees
Librarian report: "The library has been open ninety-six days, from January 4, 1950, through December 27, 1950. The circulation has not been as large this year. Some of our best borrowers have left town. More of our children are being transported to school in Hanover. The village school is borrowing heavily from the Bookmobile and Howe Library. All these factors explain the drop. The Bookmobile has visited us regularly, and now brings adult non-fiction. Eighty-three books have been borrowed from it and the State Library, which have been loaned one hundred and twelve times, to thirty-four different people. Miss Pratt, assistant state librarian, has visited our library once. She came to examine the law books in our vault. She also discarded some of our out-of-date adult non-fiction. Owing to ill health, the librarian has been absent since October 1st. The assistant, Mrs. Pearl Gray, has served in her place." - Librarian report
Loans - magazines: 538, adult books: 1,153, juvenile books: 623, Bookmobile books: 112
Library Trustee report: "A comparison of the year 1951 with 1950 shows a slight increase in circulation. There seems to be a greater interest in non-fiction books. Eighty-nine new books have been purchased and two new magazines have been added. Mrs. Stimson of the Howe Library staff took over the duties of librarian when Miss Spencer was absent because of illness. We wish to thank her and the Howe Library for their willingness to help us in times of need. You will notice that there is a balance in the fuel allotment. We were fortunate in having enough coal left from last year's supply so that it was not necessary to buy any this year. There have been no repairs this year, and we foresee none for the coming year, except the possibility of some new heating arrangement. As we indicated in our report last year, we are faced with the problem of doing something in regard to a better heating system. We think we can get along this winter by keeping more continuous heat. However, we feel that some solution must be found before another winter." - Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Martha T. Fuller, Trustees
Librarian report: "The Town library has been open ninety-eight days. As the statistical report shows, adult fiction leads in the number of books circulated. On library afternoons, during the summer, the librarian has read to the small patrons. A few pages read from an interesting book usually ends in some youngsters asking, "May I take that book?" The librarian has her problems. Her major one is how to interest more people in the library resources. We have a good library with hundreds of interesting and instructive books for all ages, from pre-school tots up to their grandparents. Non-fiction from the state library is available at no cost to the patrons. Another smaller problem is the collection of delinquent fines. A future project is furnishing vocational guidance for our young folk. To that end, the librarian is collecting a list of our teen-agers and their preferences to use as a basis for selecting proper books." - Kathrina Emerson Spencer, Librarian
Loans - magazines: 595, adult books: 1,092, juvenile books: 649
Library Trustee report: "It is encouraging to be able to report that the circulation of books and magazines has increased 10% over that of last year. We reported in 1950 and 1951 that the problem of heating the Library would soon arise. Since then, we have been studying the problem. Last winter the grates of the heater were in bad shape, but we managed to have them repaired so that we might get through the winter. It required a lot of time by the janitor to keep the fire going at all. This Fall we purchased a heater for $20.00 which we hoped would get us through this winter. This arrangement is not proving satisfactory. The building is not warm enough, although Mr. Camp spends most of the day stoking the fire. The books in the stacks in the rear of the room are really too cold to handle. We have coal enough for the winter, but feel that some change must be made. We have consulted two dealers in heating equipment who have given us a figure of $750, which will cover the expense of purchasing and installing an oil burning furnace. This amount covers the furnace with thermostat, at least one cold air and three hot air registers, a tank for oil, and all other expense connected with the furnace and installation. They felt that $20.00 a month is a fair estimate for operating with oil. We have put the amount of $140 in the budget for fuel. This may prove to be too big a figure, but we have no exact amount to submit at this time." - Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Trustees
Librarian report: "The Town library has been open ninety-six days. As the statistical report shows, adult fiction leads in the number of books circulated. The trustees have bought sixty-nine new volumes during the year, with adult non-fiction predominating. This includes a nineteen volume set on child guidance, five being manuals of patterns for handicraft work, and general suggestions for the use of the books. Invitations were mailed to all the mothers within the library's range to come in and examine the books and borrow them. A few mothers have come in. Many books have come to our library, gifts of friends who are interested. We are grateful, indeed, for these. One valuable gift has been a recent complete set of the children's encyclopedia, "The Book of Knowledge." - Kathrina Emerson Spencer, Librarian
Loans - magazines: 809, adult books: 904, juvenile books: 579
Library Trustee report: "An oil burning furnace was installed in the library last spring by S. W. Farnham Co., and has proved a great convenience and comfort. The floor of the library was varnished and waxed in October. Repairs were made on the roof, where slates were broken, in November. Now, new roofing is needed over the front vestibule. Kathrina Spencer, who has been our librarian since October 8, 1935, has found it necessary to resign from her position. She has served over this time with great interest and devotion." - Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Phoebe S. Stebbins, Trustees
Librarian report: "From January 3, 1953, through December 26, 1953, the Town library has been open ninety-three days. The bookmobile has visited the library four times. Two hundred nine books have been loaned three hundred twenty-nine times to fifty-seven patrons, of whom thirty-four were juveniles. When Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fuller changed their residence to another town, Mrs. Fuller could serve no longer as a member of the board of trustees. Mrs. Fuller was always an efficient and interested trustee. At the March Town meeting, Mrs. S. J. Stebbins was elected to fill the vacancy. The other trustees immediately chose her as chairman of the board. Mrs. Stebbins is doing much to improve our library. The new heating system is the greatest improvement since electric lights were installed. Friends of the library have been most generous with gifts of books. These have greatly enriched our library. Thanks are extended to these thoughtful friends: Mr. and Mrs. Millet Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Berry, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Stebbins, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keene, Mr. W. H. Moore Miss Hurlbutt of the Howe Library, Miss Effa Johnston also to Professor Eric Kelly and Mr. Armstrong Sperry for autographed copies of their books. In September Mr. Maurer, regional librarian from Keene, helped Mrs. Stebbins and the librarian discard many out-of-date books." - Kathrina Emerson Spencer, Librarian
Loans - magazines: 664, adult books: 915, juvenile books: 597
Library Trustee report: "Mrs. Corliss Greenwood has served competently as librarian since the resignation of Kathrina Spencer last January. The library has run in much the same manner this year—well used by a few, but not exactly over-crowded. The walls and ceiling were scrubbed last Spring to remove a long accumulation of coal dust. This brightens the room. The new oil-burning furnace is a pleasure to all concerned. A large number of the adult book loans seem to be recent novels, mystery stories, or Western stories which go out only a few times. For this reason it has seemed wise to supply most of these through the Bookmobile which comes from Concord every other month with a large selection of books to borrow. We have been fortunate to have been given many books. Second-hand, and even pocket books have been purchased for adult reading. Children's books go out more often and have harder wear. More emphasis is being made on building up a good collection of permanent books in this corner. Painting and repairs around the front vestibule will be necessary this year. Also, it is hoped to provide a box for returning books when the library is not open." - Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Phoebe S. Stebbins, Trustees
"From January 2, 1954 through December 29, 1954, the Town Library has been open one hundred and two days. Eight hundred and ninety-eight adult books and six hundred and thirty-six juvenile books were loaned. This is an increase over the preceding year. The Bookmobile has visited six times. Two hundred and sixty books were borrowed and went out to our readers two hundred and seventy-two times. There have been some changes made during the year. We now have a children's corner which was much needed. All the books in the library have been rearranged for more convenience to borrowers. A good number of books and victrola records have been added through purchase and by gifts from friends and from the Howe Library. Grateful thanks are extended for these gifts." - Edith Greenwood, Librarian
Loans - magazines: 518, adult books: 898, juvenile books: 636, bookmobile books: 272
Library Trustee report: "This year the appearance of the library has been brightened by the painting of the outdoor trim, pillars and the front door. There is now a box near the entrance where books may be returned when the library is not open. The roof of the vestibule has been repaired and is now in good condition. The Bookmobile continues to be a great help in adding variety to the choice of books. We have had many second-hand books given to us and have purchased second-hand books as well as new ones. There seem to be no major jobs ahead for next year. The floors should be waxed, the furnace should be cleaned, and a step should be put in from the bank to the road." - Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Phoebe S. Stebbins, Trustees
Librarian report: From January 1, 1955 through December 31, 1955, the Town Library at Etna has been open one hundred and five days. Seven hundred and fifty-six adult books, four hundred and eleven juvenile books, and three hundred and seventy-two periodicals have been loaned. This shows a sharp decrease over the previous year, due, I believe, to the increase in Television sets. The Bookmobile visited five times. Two hundred and ten books were borrowed and loaned to our readers one hundred and eighty-eight times. A goodly number of books have been given to our library this past year by the Howe Library and friends. We gratefully thank these donors." - Edith Greenwood, Librarian
Loans - magazines: 372, adult books: 756, juvenile books: 396, bookmobile books: 188
Library Trustee report: "This year, even more than others, we have relied largely on the visits of the Bookmobile for new reading material rather than purchasing many new books. This seems a happy solution for a small library with only a few regular borrowers. A new granite step-up from the road to the library bank was installed in the Fall by Trumbull-Nelson and makes the approach to the library much easier. This coming year the library will be open only on Saturday afternoons. As there have been but few visitors on Wednesdays it does not seem that this will be too great an inconvenience, and it will save money for heat and services." - Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Phoebe S. Stebbins, Trustees
Librarian report: "From January 2, 1956 to December 29, 1956, the Town Library has been open one hundred and four days. Three hundred and twenty-three adult books and four hundred and twelve juvenile books were loaned. The Bookmobile has visited six times. One hundred and eighty-eight books were borrowed from the Bookmobile. One hundred and twenty-nine of these were loaned to our readers. Some new books have been purchased. A goodly number of books were given by friends in Hanover and Etna; also by the Howe Library. Our grateful thanks to these donors." - Edith Greenwood, Librarian​
Loans - magazines: 257, adult books: 323, juvenile books: 412, bookmobile books: 129
Report of the School Board: "We are to have a good library room in the new building. A well equipped and a well run school library can make a tremendous contribution to the whole school program. Our present library is practically useless, not only because it has to be used as a study hall, but also because the books in it are few in number and for the most part obsolete and of little value to a modern school program. I sincerely hope that in the future we may have an excellent collection of books and a full time librarian to administer the very worth while contribution that a library can make."
Library Trustee report: "Even more than before the Trustees have felt this year a wide difference between the enthusiastic and ambitious beginnings of the library as the "Etna Library and Debating Society" from these hurried days. The Bookmobile and the State Library still seem to be the most sensible way to acquire books for such a small number of borrowers. We hope to do more this year in trying to find specific books wanted before the Bookmobile comes and making more use of the State Library. There were a few story hours on Saturday morning with Mrs. Amos Hoyt. We hope to do more of this sort of activity this coming year. We regret that Mrs. Corliss Greenwood has resigned as librarian. She has worked faithfully and with interest in this position since the resignation of Katherina Spencer. She has another job at the hospital and feels she cannot continue with both. We feel most fortunate to find an able successor, Mrs. Richard Abbott, of Rudsboro Road, who will take over the duties in a few weeks." - Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Phoebe S. Stebbins, Trustees
Librarian report: "From January 1 through December 31, 1957, the Town Library has been open 52 days. The Bookmobile was here five times. Seventy-one (71) adult books and ninety-nine (99) teenage and juvenile books were borrowed from the Bookmobile. Quite a number of books have been given to the library. Some books have been purchased by our trustees. We want to thank the people who have been so generous with gifts of books. They are: Mrs. Howard Randall, Margaret Day, Mrs. Schuyler Berry, and Howe Library. As can be seen by the following statistics our young people have been our best borrowers." - Edith Greenwood, Librarian
Loans - magazines: 163, adult books: 263, juvenile books: 323, bookmobile books: 170
Library Trustee report: "We are very happy to see the interest and good attendance at the regular Saturday afternoon story hours this year and very grateful to all those who have given their time and talents to make them successful. For anyone who still uses a 78 RPM record player, we have a very complete and exciting selection of recordings to borrow gifts from friends. The big tree in front of the library building will have to be removed this spring because it has become old and dangerous." - Adna L. Camp, Helene H. Poland, Phoebe S. Stebbins, Trustees
Librarian report: "This year we have borrowed 349 books from the bookmobile. We received gifts of records from friends in Hanover; one included 5 1 albums. We were given two large donations of books. We were guests of the local radio station and as a direct result, we received several games and some people offered to take charge of a story hour. We averaged ten at these gatherings. We covered such fields as Australia, The World's Fair and other interesting places. We studied these foreign places with records, movies and speakers. We have a record player and two easy chairs that were given this year. We had base plugs installed to allow us to show movies." - Elizabeth G. Abbott, Librarian
Loans - magazines: 115, total books: 1,100
Library Trustee report: "The affairs of the library have gone along this year with very little change. The tree which was to have been removed is still standing and it is our hope that it can be taken down soon. Again we have relied mainly on the Bookmobile and gifts from friends to enlarge our selection of books."
Loans - magazines: 194, total books: 1,313