Archived Programs (2024)
, July 9th at 5 PM
The stuffed animals of Hanover had an incredible sleepover at the library!
Click here to see a slideshow of all the adventures they had!
Simmer Pot Craft
Saturday, December 14 @11am
Join us to craft a fragrant Simmer Pot for your home, with cinnamon, rosemary, and more! For all ages.
For additional information, and to register (so that you'll receive a reminder email as the event date approaches), click here!
Pie Sale
Wednesday, November 27 @9am
Drop off donated pies: November 26, between 12-6pm or November 27, between 8-9am
For additional information, and to register (so that you'll receive a reminder email as the event date approaches), click here!
6 PM
@ Trumbull Hall
Ernest Harold Baynes: New Hampshire’s Own Doctor Doolittle
Ernest Harold Baynes is fondly remembered in New Hampshire as our own Doctor Doolittle. To the rest of the nation, he is known as an important early 20th century wildlife conservationist. A self-taught naturalist, he wrote and lectured extensively on animal behavior, bird and bison restoration, the role of animals in WWI, and vivisection.
Baynes shared his New Hampshire home with tame bear, fox, boar, bison, and wolf. He fought to end the trade in bird feathers for fashion and established one of the first bird sanctuaries in America. While serving as conservator to the Corbin Park bison herd, he convinced President Theodore Roosevelt to support the preserving of the American bison from extinction through the founding of the American Bison Society.
Baynes’ work inspires us to consider how we intervene to help wildlife recover from the harms inflicted on them by humans. This NH Humanities' supported lecture from author and historian Mary Kronenwetter includes archival Baynes photographs from the Plainfield Historical Society collection.
10:30 AM
@ the Library
Dia de Los Muertos
Come and learn about Dia de Los Muertos at the library! This program is for ALL AGES. (You can participate even if you don’t have children!)
Together, we'll learn the proper way to make an altar to honor the dead. At this program, our altar will be for beloved writers who have passed away. If you have a favorite writer who has passed away, please let us know to include him or her. Authors included will be Eric Carle, Anna Dewdney, Morgan Taylor, and Tomie dePaola.
We will make paper Mexican flowers and decorate sugar skulls to add to the altar (sugar skulls are not for eating, but for displaying on the altar). Both crafts are to offer (leave) on the altar at the library.
*Note for parents: While the topics in this event will be approached carefully and sensitively, with all ages in mind, death and dying will be discussed.
OCT 26
6:30 PM
@ the Library
Haunted Story Walk
The library's Story Walk will be transformed with spooky poems, glowing lights, decorations, and costumed characters!
We'll equip you with flashlights and glowsticks. As you walk up into the fields behind the library, you'll collect candy and have Halloween poems read to you. It's sure to be a spooky good time!
For all ages.
@ the Library
Pumpkin Decorating
The Etna Library's popular annual event returns! We'll pile the table with pie pumpkins that can be taken home and decorated with the included kit.
Send photos of your creative masterworks back and you'll be entered into a drawing for a gift card prize!
Email us at to request a pumpkin and kit.
OCT 19
11 AM
@ the Library
Apple Cider Festival
We'll have an apple press on-site in the library's Reading Garden, making fresh apple cider to enjoy.
Donuts and other treats will also be available! (And fun activities too)!
OCT 11/12
@ the Library
Halloween Costume Swap
Want to transform your old costume into a new one?
From September 27 through October 10, the library is accepting gently used costumes.
Come browse the costume collection on October 11 & 12 and head home with a new costume to wear this Halloween!
SEP 27
4-6 PM
@ Storrs Pond
Hanover's Fall-Fest
The Etna Library will be at Hanover' Fall-Fest with multiple tables of crafts. Join us at Storrs Pond for some autumnal fun!
SEP 18
5:30 PM
@ Trumbull Hall
One-Room Rural Schools
Hundreds of one-room schools dotted the landscape of New Hampshire a century ago and were the backbone of primary education for generations of children.
Revered in literature and lore, they actually were beset with problems, some of which are little changed today. The greatest issue was financing the local school and the vast differences between taxing districts in ability to support education. Other concerns included teacher preparation and quality, curriculum, discipline, student achievement and community involvement in the educational process.
In this NH Humanities-sponsored talk, Steve Taylor explores the lasting legacies of the one-room school and how they echo today.
3:30 PM
@ the Library
Migration of the Monarchs
Come and learn about Monarchs and their unique migration by creating your own monarch waystation garden for next year!
As part of this program, we will color monarchs and write short letters (optional) to Mexico. We will receive a letter in the spring from Mexico and many colorful monarchs from across the United States, from all the people who participated in this symbolic migration.
(Thus, imitating their amazing migration with paper monarchs and shared letters)!
*This program is for ALL ages. We welcome you to participate even if you don’t have children!
AUG 17
1 PM
@ the Library
Ice Cream Party
We'll be offering tons of flavors of ice cream (and tons of different delicious toppings, too) - all for free!
This event will also mark the end of our Summer Reading challenges and we'll be handing out prizes to the lucky winners. Thanks to our amazing community partners, we have over $500 in prizes to award! Don't miss out!
All Day
@ the Library
Munchin' Munchkins
Stop by the library for some free Dunkin' Donuts Munchkins! We'll have lots of varieties available for you to enjoy.
We'll also hold several story times throughout the day featuring picture books about (you guessed it) - donuts!
JUL 26
4:30 PM
@ Trumbull Hall
Alyx the Magician
Alyx Hilshey is a Vermont-based, nationally touring comedy magician who is bringing her super fun, family show to the Etna Library for the third summer in a row!
Alyx is a terrific performer and was recently featured on the television show Penn & Teller: Fool Us.
Note: This show is at Trumbull Hall, 195 Etna Road (Connected to the First Baptist Church of Etna).
JUL 24
4 PM
@ the Library
Stories With Scooter
Scooter the Therapy Dog returns to the Etna Library! Stop by and take a turn reading to the most non-judgmental, friendly (and furriest) listener around! Hang out with Scooter, reading to him and petting him.
We'll also have free dog biscuits you can take with you for the dogs in your life!
JUL 23
All Day
@ the Library
Bubble Party
We'll have several awesome bubble stations set up in the library's reading garden for you to play with!
Inside, we'll offer snacks and bubble-filled stories!
JUL 16
4 PM
@ the Library
Camp Fire Craft
Create your own glowing campfire craft with tea lamps and tissue paper!
We'll send you home with a S'mores kit, too (complete with chocolate, grapham crackers, and a marshmallow)!
Completely free with no registration required. Appropriate for all ages.
JUL 17
4 PM
@ the Library
Bug Safari
Join Susie Spikol, naturalist and author of The Animal Adventurer's Guide, for a late afternoon adventure searching and catching the wild bugs that call the meadow next to the library their home.
Use a sweep net, spy on a flower, sneak up on a butterfly, and stalk the wild crickets and grasshoppers. Discover why all insects are bugs, but not all bugs are insects!
Even if it rains, come to the library and explore a collection of wild visitors and a large college of preserved insects. You won't want to miss this hands-on chance to get up close with the mini-beasts in our everyday lives. Perfect for children in elementary school and up.
JUL 8-12
@ the Library
Sidewalk Chalk
Art Contest
We'll provide the colored chalk and the sidewalk real estate - you provide your creativity! Stop by the library during our open hours and we'll assign you a plot of sidewalk and equip with with chalk of every imaginable color.
Gift card prizes from Red Kite Candy will be awarded at the end of the week in categories like 'Most Original' and 'Most Colorful.'
JUL 12
6:30 PM
@ Trumbull Hall
Lindsay & Her Puppet Pals
Year-round, Lindsay brings her larger-than-life Puppet Pals to child and family audiences across New England.
Filled with silliness, active audience engagement, and memorable characters, this series of charming short stories will delight the young and the young at heart!
JUL 10
6:30 PM
@ Trumbull Hall
Big Trees of
New England
Kevin Martin, author of Big Trees of Northern New England will direct attendees on over 50 hikes, bikes, or paddles to find over 150 of the largest trees on public lands, both in the countryside and in the cities.
This talk will feature photos and information of New Hampshire trees such as a monstrous yellow birch in Franconia Notch, one of the country’s biggest eastern white pines in Tamworth, and a series of spectacular trees in Portsmouth.
Kevin will discuss a variety of trips for those who would like to see these trees themselves, from easy to adventurous, for all ages and abilities.
JUN 29
11 AM
@ the Library
Bicycle Parade
Bring your bikes to this family event - we'll provide lots of awesome materials for you to decorate them to your heart's content. (And we'll enjoy snacks while we work).
After all the bicycles look spectacular, we'll have a parade through the library's parking lot - complete with festive music.
We held this event last year and it was a blast - we hope you can attend!
JUN 24
(All Day)
@ the Library
Dog Library
Grand Opening!
We're adding a Dog Library to the porch, with the canine-friendly motto: 'Take a Stick, Leave a Stick'!
Besides 'circulating sticks,' the dog library will also feature a water bowl, dog toys, and a sign-in log.
Plus, the library will now keep dog biscuits inside - drop in and grab your furry friend a treat! At this Grand Opening, there will be treats for humans, too. And we'll have a visit at 4pm from Scooter the Therapy Dog!
JUN 20
10:00 AM
@ the Library
Amazing World
of Lobsters
​The UNH Marine Science docents will be visiting the Etna Library to teach kids all about the amazing world of lobsters! There will be lots of hands-on activities, exhibits, and displays.
This program is designed for kids in grades K-4.
JUN 15
10:00 AM
@ the Library
Poetry Walk
With help from the Hanover Conservancy, the library has updated its Story Walk with poems about nature.
At this event, we'll walk into the fields of Hayes Farm Park and the King Bird Sanctuary, reading poems about the natural world while enjoying the natural world first-hand!
Afterwards, at the library, we'll have snacks and everyone will have a chance to write their own short poems that we'll then place on display.
This event is for all ages. It is free, with no registration required.
MAY 31
@ the Library
National Donut Day
​National Donut Day is on June 2nd. Since that's on a Sunday, the Etna Library will be celebrating this delicious occasion the Friday before!
Lots of varieties of donuts, all spread out on our long table, will be available for the taking.
All free and all tasty... while supplies last!
MAY 22
6:30 PM
@ Trumbull Hall
Live Free or Die:
The Contested History of the Words on Your License Plate
In 1969, when New Hampshire officials decided to put the state’s motto – “live free or die” – on its license plates, many citizens viewed the act as an endorsement of the deeply unpopular war being waged in Vietnam and protested by covering up or altering the motto.
In response, authorities cracked down hard: arresting, fining, and sometimes even incarcerating those who engaged in duct-tape dissent. People appealed their convictions, sparking a legal contest over the First Amendment that went all the way to the United States’ Supreme Court.
In this NH Humanities-supported multimedia presentation, historian and former newspaper reporter Dan Billin tells a uniquely New Hampshire tale illustrating the genius – and the fragility – of the First Amendment.
Build Your Own Bluebird Nesting Box
Saturday, May 4 @10AM (at the Library)
Enjoy this family event at Hayes Farm Park and the King Bird Sanctuary! We'll build bluebird nesting boxes, have snacks, and read books about birds! All ages welcome; no cost.
Following My Father's WWII Footsteps in Fila Sneakers
(with Bill Hammond)
Wednesday, April 24 @5:30PM (at Trumbull Hall)
Two of my brothers and I had long planned to follow the route that my father had taken during World War II. We intended to follow the path of the 142nd regiment, of which Dad was a part, but when we found a trove of his letters to his mother, written from Italy and Germany during the war, we knew we had the detail we needed to create a meaningful replication of his war-time journey. What was he thinking when he anticipated the battles? What was he thinking during them? When his own commander went down and Dad had to assume leadership—while feeling a bullet graze his neck—what did he do to help his troops fight and survive?
The trip, taken during October of 2023, was a way to honor my father, to recognize his and his fellow soldiers' sacrifice, and to reinforce a bond with my brothers. This talk will focus on the marvels of the excursion and the serendipity in finding things we didn't think possible.
Aging Gracefully
Wednesday, April 17 @6:30PM (at the Library)
We're all getting older. As life expectancy continues to increase, it's clear we need to work toward a new image of aging - one that includes adaptive, productive, vital years full of love, laughter, and intimacy.
In this talk, we'll explore how the 'secrets' to aging gracefully exist within the routines of daily life, and how by understanding the biology of being human, we can implement best practices of being healthy, which is the key in determining whether we just add years to our life or we add life to those years.
The speaker, Jackson Penfield-Cyr, is the owner and clinician at Upper Valley Integration Therapy, located in Hanover, NH. He's one of the few licensed Structural Integrators in state of New Hampshire and is a specialist in manual and movement therapy.
Solar Eclipse Preparation Party!
Sunday, April 7 @10am (at the Library)
Prepare for the total solar eclipse occurring on April 8th by joining us at the Etna Library on the 7th! We'll have lots of fun eclipse-themed activities including:
A solar clock craft
An eclipse-themed photo booth
Moon pie and solar sugar cookie snacks
Free eclipse viewing glasses to take home
Informational packets on the eclipse
And more!
The next total solar eclipse won't arrive until 2044, so let's make the most of this one!
Explain Pain
Wednesday, March 27 @6:30pm (at the Library)
All pain is real - and, for many people, it is a debilitating part of everyday life. It is now known that understanding more about why things hurt can actually help people overcome their pain.
In this talk, we'll explore how recent advances in fields such as neurophysiology, brain imaging, immunology, psychology and cellular biology can help us transform the experience of pain from one of fear to one of empowerment.
The speaker, Jackson Penfield-Cyr, is the owner and clinician at Upper Valley Integration Therapy, located in Hanover, NH. He's one of the few licensed Structural Integrators in state of New Hampshire and is a specialist in manual and movement therapy.
Saturday Morning Cartoons: Yogi, Bugs, Bullwinkle &
Big Business in the 1960s
Monday, March 11 @6:30pm (at Trumbull Hall)
Many kids in the second half of the 20th century shared a common Saturday morning ritual: watching Yogi Bear, Bugs Bunny, and Rocky & Bullwinkle while eating a bowl of Captain Crunch.
This practice, however, was a relatively recent development, brought about by the advent of television. Before the1960s, cartoons were shown in theaters before feature films for adults. As more American families acquired TVs, animation studios retooled their storehouses to respond to the demand for new shows and Madison Avenue advertising executives shifted their focus to a lucrative new demographic: children.
Soon after-school and Saturday-morning timeslots were flooded with cartoons--and advertisements for sugary cereals and plastic toys. In this program, we will watch some clips from classic cartoons that will be sure to spark some nostalgia while taking a peek behind the TV screen, to learn how the classic Saturday morning was created.
This Etna Library event is sponsored by NH Humanities and presented by Margo Burns - a life-long fan of cartoons who studied animation in the Rhode Island School of Design's Continuing Education Program. Burns is a seventh-generation New Hampshire native, with two master's degrees from the University of New Hampshire.
The Mill Band
Friday, February 16 @6:30pm (at Trumbull Hall)
Join us for some live music as the Mill Band perform old country, gospel, and blue grass. Come out and have some fun with your neighbors!
This event is at Trumbull Hall, 195 Etna Road.
Valentine Card Take-Home Craft Kits
Available now!
Stop by the Etna Library and pick up a take-home craft that includes everything you need to make your very own Valentine Cards!
Visit the library and start spreading the love!
Bi-Lingual Story Walk & Craft
Sunday, February 4 @10:30-11:30am (at the library)
Let's explore a Spanish-English story walk at the newly protected King Bird Sanctuary! We'll hike up the story walk, reading a wintery tale. After the outdoor adventure, there will be a pinecone birdfeeder craft and warm drinks at the Etna Library.
This event is co-sponsored by the Hanover Conservancy and the Etna Library.
Virtual Trivia Night
Tuesday, January 23 @6:30pm (via Zoom)
The Etna Library and the Plainfield Public Libraries are teaming-up to bring you a fun night of virtual trivia!
Join us via Zoom and test your knowledge of all things (some of those things useful, others maybe not so much)!
The Mammoth Road: NH Folk Tales as an Avenue to Local History and Culture
Wednesday, January 3 @6:30pm (at Trumbull Hall)
The Etna Library presents this NH Humanities-funded event with author and historian Erin E. Moulton.
Folk tales are passed from one generation to another, embellished by time and teller: Ethan Crawford was as tall as Mount Washington. He could carry at least 7 men on his back!
Yet, when we look at folk tales, the people who compiled them, and the location from which they spring, we can access history in a new and entertaining way. Join us to hear and explore folk tales collected by the New Hampshire Women’s Federation (1932) and dig into local resources in search of truths. Was it tall tale or town history? Let's find out.
Erin E. Moulton writes books and tracks dead people. As a researcher, slipping into old records and exploring past lives is something she has done for herself and for others for over 14 years. Erin is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, The New Hampshire Historical Society, The New Hampshire Society of Genealogists and she serves on the landmark committee for the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire. She has written several books, mostly for children.
This Etna Library event is supported by NH Humanities and The Etna Ladies Aid Society.