Hanover Town Reports
Library Trustee report: "We are happy to report continued interest in the success of the Library on the part of the Citizens of the town. The library has been well patronized during the year. One hundred and sixty-nine volumes have been added by purchase, and thirty-eight by donation from Charles F. Richardson, 17 vols. Mrs. Louise B. Davis, 16 vols. Prof. Robert Fletcher, 4 vols. E. H. Wright, 1 vol. A catalogue of the books has been made and is now in the hands of the printer, which will add greatly to the convenience of patrons. We very much need a more convenient room for the better accommodation of the library and the patrons, but at present no such room seems to be obtainable."
Library Trustee report: "On an average there has been about eighty volumes in circulation. A catalogue of the books has been published and distributed and the interest in the library seems to be maintained."
Hanover Annual Report, 1903
Library Trustee report: "There have been added to the library during the year one hundred and forty-seven volumes : one hundred and twenty-nine by purchase and eighteen by donation, of which seven were from the state, one from J. H. Hyde, one from C. F. Richardson, one from E. P. Storrs, two from A. W. Fellows, and six from the Howe library. The average circulation remains about the same as last year."
"The plan for the library building has been accepted by the trustees and materials are being purchased with the intention of having the building completed and ready by September 1, 1904." - Horace F. Hoyt, Library Treasurer
"To the inhabitants of the Town of Hanover, in the County of Grafton, in said State, qualified to vote in Town affairs: To see if the town will vote to raise a sum not exceeding six hundred dollars (in addition to the present building fund) for the purpose of enabling the trustees of the Hanover Public Library to erect a brick library building."
Library highlights: "After the vote of the town to build with brick there was $2,100 available, with interest accrued. In such a case an architect's fee and a contractor's profit would have taken too large a share of the amount; hence the trustees themselves made the plans and bought the materials and superintended the work. The best materials were procured, the workmanship is first-class throughout, and it is believed that there will be little or no need of repairs for years to come. The underpinning, although it has a three-inch cut chamfer, was secured at the price of plain stone, as it was originally cut for a building elsewhere. The brick was from an extra good lot at the Lebanon yard, and was laid by very competent masons. Cement was used to strengthen the mortar. The roof is covered with slate and copper, materials the most durable to be had for the purpose. The plaster, made from lime putty which had seasoned several weeks, was hardened by admixture with cement. The interior is 25 ft. by 33 ft., in one room, finished in hazelwood throughout and varnished. This includes the window casings, the vestibule and door, the shelving which extends entirely around the room, and a paneled ceiling overhead."
"The brick walls are double, 8 inch and 4 inch, with a 2 inch air space, 14 inches total; there is also the air space behind the plastering; so that the building should be exceptionally dry and easily warmed. This end is further secured by having the floor of the cellar covered with a thick coat of cement-mortar and the cellar walls well pointed. 3° The fine cut granite steps and abutments and the portico were made possible by the gift of Mr. Henry C. Whipple in memory of the late Mr. Dodge of this town."
"The vault, added by special vote of the town, is entirely outside of the building itself, and is as fireproof as brick and cement-mortar can make it. This feature is very important as affording a safe depository for town records, and any other documents or valuables of small bulk, such as church and society records, etc., which the custodians may wish to place beyond the risk of loss by fire. The interior dimensions of the vault are 4x9x8 ft., with another space about 4x5x4 ft., over the basement stairway."
"In the erection of the building acknowledgements are due to the following parties for the interest and goodwill manifested, as follows: To Mr. Hunter, Superintendent of Buildings, Dartmouth College, for allowing some of his help to come over at critical times, and for selling seasoned lime putty for the plastering; to Spencer Brothers of Lebanon for drafting the details of the finish; to Martin Merrill of Lebanon for prompt and personal attention to the delivery and placing of the stonework. In size the building is larger than was immediately needed for merely holding the books now in hand, and the shelf room is sufficient for an increase for some years to come. But it is believed that in these convenient quarters the library will have a more rapid growth, and that the room may be available at times as a reading room; also that here may be collected the portraits of some of the citizens now passed away, maps, documents and objects of historical interest, etc."
"It is to be expected that there will be a growing interest of the whole town and patriotic home sentiment which will increasingly center about this library as the years go by. When the shelf-room now provided is outgrown, it will be possible to place bookcases so as to form alcoves on the north and south sides. The suitable furnishing of the building was not possible with the resources in hand; but loyal friends and citizens have generously stepped in and made such a substantial beginning that the building is already handsomely fitted for service. The donors and the gifts are specified beyond."
"In connection with the planning and erection of the building the trustees had ten conferences altogether, in Hanover village, at the site, and at the shops in Lebanon. More than fifty other trips were made, involving a total travel of nearly 500 miles, by one or more members of the Board, to arrange for the work or to superintend it while in progress. One member freely gave the use of his team for this purpose; another prepared the plans and blueprints and made frequent visits; the local member closely supervised the work and gave much personal assistance day after day. For all of this there is no charge against the town. The Board thinks that the citizens should understand that only in this way —and in spite of the higher cost of materials, the difficulty of getting skilled labor when needed, the delays in receiving the woodwork, and other setbacks—has it been possible to turn over to the town at this time a commodious and thoroughly built structure at a cost far below what is usual for buildings of like size and quality."
Librarian report: "A good interest is still manifested and the number of books loaned is about the same or perhaps a few more than last year. The books that have been added this year comprise some of the best fiction, biographical and historical works, and also a fine selection of miscellaneous. In selecting much care has been taken to select good books that will interest all, and make the library as attractive and as pleasing as we can and at the same time keeping in view a higher and better class of educational reference and standard books." - T. W. PRADDEX, Librarian
Librarian report: "Your librarian is pleased to report that the library has had another useful and successful year. The number of books loaned is about the same as last vear, which goes to show that a good interest is still manifested in its use and in the principle of the educational value of a well selected and good collection of first-class books; and the people seem to appreciate the prize, and also of having so pleasant, commodious, and nicely furnished library room. There have been several portraits placed upon the walls, which not only adorn and help to make the room more homelike, but in the future years will be valued as old friends to the library and of the town." - Thomas W. Praddex, Librarian
Librarian report: "Your librarian in presenting his annual report of the condition and welfare of the library is pleased to state that the same interest is maintained as in the past years, and notwithstanding the population in this vicinity is not materially increasing in numbers, the number of books loaned still holds good, and is on the increase. We believe this is accounted for in the fact that the more the people of a community study and read, the more the tendency is to cultivate a taste and a liking for books. Therefore we are striving to place a good standard of historical, scientific, religious, agricultural, biographical, fiction, and all kinds of miscellaneous reading, that will help to improve, elevate, and benefit all who obtain reading from the library. The number of books in the library at this date number 1618 volumes. This does not include magazines, pamphlets, and the many kinds of reports that will accumulate in a library. There has been quite an amount of labor and expense laid out this year in grading the grounds, and in placing stone steps and concreting the walks to the approach of the library. This not only makes it more attractive and better walking, but is a substantial improvement." - Thomas W. Praddex, Librarian
Librarian report: "Your librarian in presenting his annual report of the welfare and standing of the library, would respectfully say the library has been well patronized the past year and the number of books in the library has been increased by placing several first-class standard works, and also by adding other reading and best reference books. The number of books in the library at this date number 1,704. This does not include magazines, pamphlets, and many reports that will accumulate in a library." - Thomas W. Praddex, Librarian
Librarian report: "Your Librarian in presenting the annual report of the condition and welfare of the Library is pleased to state that the same interest is maintained as in the past years. The number of books in the Library at this date is 1847 volumes. This does not include magazines, pamphlets, and the many kinds of reports that accumulate in a library." - Mrs. Nettie J. Praddex, Librarian
The death record of the first librarian of the Hanover Town Librarian, Thomas W. Praddex, is listed in this report. Mr. Praddex died on May 29, 1910, at the age of 72. His wife, Nettie Praddex, took over as Librarian after Thomas' death.
Hanover Annual Report, 1912 (Currently missing)
Librarian report: "Your Librarian, in presenting her annual report of the welfare and standing of the Library, would respectfully say the Library has been well patronized the past year. The number of books in the Library at this date number 2069. This does not include magazines, pamphlets, and many kinds of reports that accumulate in a library." - Mrs. Nettie J. Praddex, Librarian
Hanover Annual Report, 1916 (Currently missing)
Librarian report: "Your librarian, in presenting the annual report, would respectfully say more volumes have been taken out each week the past year than the year before. The number of books in the Library at this date, 2,632. This does not include magazines or pamphlets and other reports that accumulate in a library." - Mrs. Nettie J. Praddex, Librarian
Librarian report: "Town Librarian in presenting this report would respectfully say that the Library is gaining more and more borrowers every year. By having the Library open twice each week it gives the people a better opportunity for reading." - Mrs. Nettie J. Praddex, Librarian
"The following resolution introduced by Professor Charles F. Emerson was adopted by the meeting, viz : 'Resolved that the voters of Hanover in town meeting express by vote their sympathy to Horace F. Hoyt in his present illness, and consequent absence from his customary place on town meeting day, and also extend to him their hearty appreciation of his many services in town affairs so generously rendered in the past.'"
Librarian report: "Books loaned since May 27 - 1,410; at the same rate, loans for the year would be about 2,100. Books in library at this time, 4,066. More of the young people and children seem to be interested in taking out books than ever before." - Mrs. Nettie J. Praddex, Librarian
Number of books loaned: 2,100
"During almost twenty years of use the building has needed very little repairing. A few slate which had fallen from the roof have been replaced recently. Repainting of the woodwork outside and revarnishing of the floor inside was done lately by one of the trustees in local residence. No bill has been presented for labor or material, and we are informed that there will be none. The fire-proof vault which was built originally for the safeguarding of town records, etc., has been fitted with proper shelving only during the past year under direction of the selectmen. Mr. Trumbell's bill for this, and for the repairs on the roof and restoration of the front walk, remains to be divided as to liability of the library trustees and of the town in adjusting the cost." - Robert Fletcher, Treasurer and Trustee
Library Trustee report: "The Trustees believe that it is necessary at this time to call the attention of the townspeople to the present status of the library, its history and need of more liberal support. It is well known to the older citizens that the building was made possible by the sale of the old town farm to the Hanover Water Works Co. The construction was carefully done under close supervision, giving a pleasing exterior and an interior which is conceded to be unusually attractive in appearance, and so well finished that there has been little or no deterioration in all the twenty years of its use. By careful management a fund of $500 for maintenance was reserved out of the proceeds of sale of the farm, and the same care on the part of Mr. Horace F. Hoyt, so long treasurer of the Board of Trustees, resulted in the gradual increase of this fund to about $700, so that this is now practically, although not necessarily, held by the town trustees as principal. In addition there is a fund of $100 given by the late D. T. Ross, the interest of which is available for purchase of books. Up to within a year ago the allowance available for the library, through the selectmen was about $220; but, under a new interpretation of the law, the apportionment was reduced to about $184, which is an abrupt reduction of about 14 per cent, or nearly one-seventh of an already inadequate amount for maintenance and purchase of books needed and demanded by the readers. It is self-evident that less than $250 (see treasurer's report) for operating this town library through an entire year is pitifully and ridiculously small, and constitutes a reproach upon the intelligence and interest of the people. It is true that the Howe library in Hanover village is available to all townspeople, but that is geographically in a corner of the town not conveniently accessible to a large part of the farming districts. Although all books that could be discarded have been removed from the shelves, these are now much overcrowded, and one or two new bookcases have been needed for more than a year. There is constantly an insistent call for more books, especially for those suitable for the young people. Selections are made only after advice from competent judges, or after scrutiny by one of the trustees." - Robert Fletcher, Irving P. Fitts, Mrs. E. F. Emerson, Trustees
Number of books loaned: 2,194
"As noted in the report of 1924, the building, after twenty years of use, has needed only trifling repairs. One of the trustees residing nearby has personally looked after the matter. The only renovation now demanding attention, is the bulkhead door opening into the basement stairway. The new bookcase is an important addition to the equipment. Its capacity is about 700 books." - Robert Fletcher, Treasurer
Library Trustee report: "A year ago the trustees called the attention of their fellow townspeople to the need of a more liberal support, of their town library. On conference with the trustees of the town funds the ruling was made that the surplus above the principal of the library fund might as well be applied to the immediate needs of the library. What some of these needs were appears in the report above: a new bookcase, renewal of the fire insurance policy, repairs, care of buildings, etc. This surplus is now practically gone, and the income from all invested funds yields less than $50 per year. The entire allowance, by law, from the town is only $184.00 per year. No one will deny that an up-to-date library should have the best of the new books published, at least two or three leading periodicals (we now take the Literary Digest, The National Geographic Magazine and Hanover Gazette) and provide all reasonable facilities for readers. We have insistent calls for more books for the young people; and adults constantly inquire for the more noteworthy books before the public. We try to select the best. Deducting the amount of the temporary note, we expended last year about $460.00, and but little more than $100 was available. This is not giving our people the benefit which they should derive from their library in the way of entertainment and instruction. The trustees feel that the library should have more generous treatment." - Robert Fletcher, Irving P. Fitts, Mrs. E. F. Emerson, Trustees
Library Trustee report: "The trustees have repeatedly called the attention of their fellow townspeople to the need of a more liberal support of the town library. It will be noted in the financial report that only about one-third of the money received was available for the purchase of books. There has been a more insistent call for more books for the young people, to which the trustees were unable to respond. We have a model building, unusually attractive as to its interior finish. In all the years since it was built the expense for repairs has been almost negligible; showing the value of the best of material and workmanship which went into it. Attention is called to the change made in the heating. At a meeting of the trustees in September, by a mistaken reading of the trustees' report on town funds, it was supposed that there would be money available for moving the stove to the basement and enclosing it in a sheet-iron casing, and thus secure in effect a pipeless furnace, for which a proper opening was made through the floor. This was done and it is believed to be desirable improvement. More room is secured in the library and the need of bringing fuel upstairs is avoided. When it appeared that there were no funds for this, the treasurer made a personal loan of $100 at the bank to cover the expense. The appropriation for the coming year should include this item to repay the loan." - Robert Fletcher, Mrs. E. F. Emerson, Adna L. Camp, Trustees
Library Trustee report: "The Trustees feel called upon again to raise the question,—how much interest are our fellow townsmen taking in their library?—Let no one forget that the allowance receivable from State funds was fixed, about two years ago, at $184, and the income from funds in charge of the town trustee is shown in this year's report as $25.50, total $209.50 If that were all we might as well close the building,—for a glance at our report shows that the running expenses (omitting payment of last year's note) was about $195.00. At last town meeting the meager $209.50 was supplemented by an extra voted sum of $75.00, giving us a total of $325, plus interest from trust funds. The estimate for the ensuing year, submitted herewith, includes insurance, bills now due and running expenses, leaving only $140 for new books, periodicals and rebinding. Surely this is a very small sum to meet the demands, throughout an entire year,—which are constantly made for the best of the new publications.—We have been obliged to deny ourselves the purchase of some which would have been valuable additions to the library. It may be said that there is abundance of literature of the highest class in the library, and that some of it is too much neglected. Be that as it may, the trustees are not responsible for the preferences of the readers, and we respectfully submit that an allowance of $200 over and above funds allowed by law and the investments, is a modest request made in the interest of all concerned." - Robert Fletcher, Mrs. E. F. Emerson, Adna L. Camp, Trustees
Library Trustee report: "The Trustees have to report that the library has been open regularly two afternoons each week throughout the year. The allowance voted by the Town has permitted the purchase of a few more books than during the preceding year, but the increase was not as much as expected because of more extensive work on the chimney than was anticipated. Some trouble had developed from the smoking of the chimney especially when the wind was from certain quarters,—due to the ridge of the roof being higher than the chimney-top. Therefore the chimney was extended upwards enough to gain better draft. This is the first repair job going beyond occasional small items, since the library was built, about twenty years ago. The insurance premium paid was a considerable part of the appropriation and its absence this year leaves a larger margin for books, which is no more than needed to meet the demands of the readers. However, the trustees have reduced the total estimate a little below that of last year. The trustees held one meeting, in the fall, to discuss ways and means to make the most of the resources at command. In the estimate presented it is assumed that the small extent of woodwork will need repainting and some of the interior woodwork revarnishing. Again our fellow citizens are reminded of the value of such a building so thoroughly built that it stands today almost if not quite as good as new." - Robert Fletcher, Mrs. E. F. Emerson, Adna L. Camp, Trustees
Librarian report: "The Library has the Child's Magazine for the year, and the National Republic taken for the year. 1,628 books loaned the past year." - Mrs. Nettie J. Praddex, Librarian
Library Trustee report: "Books bought by the treasurer number about 132. By request of the teachers of the town schools and arrangement with the librarian, thirty books,—more or less,—were selected especially for use in prescribed courses of reading by pupils of the various grades. In general a considerable proportion of all the books purchased have been chosen in the interest of the young folks. In fact this proportion has been increasing during several preceding years. From the readers in general, whether older or younger, the demand for fiction prevails, rather than for the more instructive and matter-of fact quality of literature. The greater part of the mass of books now offered to,—indeed almost thrown at,—the public has so little worth as literature,—being not only trashy but often very much worse, that the task of sifting and choosing what is wholesome and self-improving is not easy. Right here the trustees have been favored by the advice and active cooperation of Miss Kingsland, librarian of the Howe library. Her experience and knowledge of books have afforded welcome aid in choosing that which is suitable, either for entertainment or instruction ; at the same time having regard to getting the most and the best from the limited funds which the voters allow us. A system of loans of books in small lots from the Howe library to readers in Hanover Center indicates what is possible as an extension of the facilities offered by said library for the benefit of more distant readers. Attention should be called to the periodicals received by the library. The Hanover Gazette, of course, has interest only week by week. The National Republic Monthly has been reported as merely placed on file. But its value should be recognized by both old and young as a medium of instruction in American History and Biography, a promoter of love of country, and as presenting the romance and hard facts in the development of these United States. Really it should be in every family, as a means of making better Americans. It is published in Washington, D. C, by those in close contact with the departments of our national government. St. Nicholas magazine and Child Life serve the young people especially. To these have been added lately the weekly Literary Digest, requested by the teachers as an aid to pupils in making reports on current events. Finally the American Nature Magazine, also published in Washington, a monthly which gives authoritative instruction and information for old and young about the world of Nature out of doors. This is made more to the purpose by a wealth of high class illustrations. After faithful service of nineteen years Mrs. Nettie J. Praddex retired as librarian. We may recall right here that the library building was completed in 1906 at a total cost of about $4,000. It was built from the proceeds of the sale of the town farm to the Hanover Water Works Co., for the sum of $4,500. The balance of about $500 was held as a fund for maintenance. Mr. Thos. W. Praddex served as librarian to and including 1910. Mrs. Praddex has been in charge until October, 1929. It is noteworthy that the construction of the building was so thoroughly done, under close supervision, that repairs have been quite negligible, probably within $100 altogether."- Robert Fletcher, Mrs. E. F. Emerson, Adna L. Camp, Trustees
Upon Librarian Nettie Praddex's retirement, Trustee Etta F. Emerson is listed as Librarian in this year's town report.